Chapter no.24

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"He might seem arrogant. Or selfish you know.....but he's just alone......he lost his happiness when our parents died. I've seen him Corinne. He was so broken. But he pulled himself together for me. He's my father, mother and everything." Meryl said.

"He really loves you." Corinne said with a wistful smile. She'd always wished to have a loving sibling like that.....but that thought alone made her shiver in disgust now. Calvin was her step-brother who had done everything in his power to destroy her.
He wasn't that loving, overprotective brother she wanted.
And he would never be.

And maybe he was coming for her again this time. The only difference was Cameron, who stood as a barrier for her.
"Corinne I don't know if Cameron told you this or not but.....very few people know that I am his twin......Please make sure you keep it a's a long story.....but-"

Corinne put her hand on Meryl's shoulder.
"Don't's a secret."
"Oh.....and Cameron wants you down in his office." Meryl smirked.

Corinne nodded with a roll of her eyes.


"You called?" Corinne said entering through the glass doors.
"Yes......since we can't go to's best if we do it from here."
"Fine. What do you want me to do?"
"A few emails need to be answered.....and files need to be cross checked."

She quickly started on with her work.
"Can I...?" She pointed towards his laptop.

He smirked.
"Come here."
She cocked her head to the side.
"Just give me the laptop....." she mumbled, her heartbeat spiking up a bit.
"Corinne I don't like to say it twice."

She sighed getting up and walking to his chair.
She bent down and logged in to his laptop.

His hands slipped around her waist, dragging her into his lap.
She began to open the mail box, biting her lip.
"Don't you have work.....?"

"Yes.....but....Ms Braylon you're a major distraction." His nose skimmed along the side of her neck as he whispered into her ear smirking.
A sigh escaped her lips. Her eyes fluttered close at the impact.
"Don't......s-stop...Cameron." she gasped.

His hands moved to her thighs and rubbing them as his hands moved up.
"You don't want me to stop?" She could feel the smirk on his lips.
"No.....I.....yes....I mean...." she stumbled over her words.

She arched her back, her head resting against his chest.

It was never this hard to speak before. She knew only Cameron could make her forget how to talk.
She was at his mercy. And she liked it.


She turned abruptly so that now she was straddling his lap.
Her hands wove into his luscious silk hair yanking them tightly which made him groan.
"You're such a tease." She whispered.

She leaned in closer to his face.
"I can't stop myself anymore." She whispered.

She crashed her lips hungrily against his.


Corinne's POV:-

My hands held his hair in a tight grip. This teasing ache between my kegs was driving me to madness.

His hands roamed up and down my sides. His tongue plunged into my mouth and I sucked on it. The sound of his moan made me grasp at his neck pulling him closer. I couldn't breath but I didn't care.

He pulled away slightly and I groaned.
"You need to breath amoré." He whispered.
I shook my head pulling him by his shirt collar.
He looked into my eyes. I had to look away.
"What is it?"
"I'm fine.....I...."I blinked rapidly to keep tears away.
"You sure?"
I nodded with a tight smile.

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