Chapter no.47

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Meryl's POV:-

Her limp form rested in the back seat with me as Calvin opened the door to sit in the passengers seat.

My eyes roamed her face which even when unconscious was contorted in pain.
"What the hell did you do to her?" I held her gently by the arm and pulled her closer resting her head on my shoulder.

His answering glare would make anyone cringe and shrink back but not me. I knew how his sick mind worked in the most cunning ways.

I checked her face, her arms and torso for any sign of injuries. I had seen how the bastard had dragged her to the car.

As the car began to drive, her head lulled back on to my shoulder and she winced.
Checking the back of her head I saw clotted blood.
"We need a doctor." I said.
"I'm going to kill her anyway." He drawled from the front seat.

I gritted my teeth together in disgust.

As if.

If he thinks I'm going to let him kill her or do anything with her for that matter, than this psycho is delusional.

I could tell the injury wasn't deep but there was definitely a need to seek medical help in case she had internal bleeding. This could be dangerous for her.

I kept silent the rest of the way thinking of how to get us out of this situation. I knew I had to get her out. At any cost. Even if it costed my own life.

Even with good intentions for her, I still felt guilty. I just wished I could've avoided this. I wish I could have stopped this psycho when he dragged her to me.

Cameron might be going insane with worry.

God help me.

The car jerked to a halt and I held Corinne close so that she wouldn't lurch forward with the sudden movement.
"Get this bitch out. Don't let her escape or your brother might have to pay."

I just glared furiously as I watched him drive away with the driver and one of his other men helped me carry her inside.

His name was James. But he was not like he seemed to be.
"Ms the poor girl is bleeding now." James said as I laid her on the small bed.

My eyes went wide. Blood had stained my jacket.
Oh no.

"James- the doctor quick. And make sure Calvin doesn't find out." He nodded and left.

I paced the room frantically. If she died Cameron - no. How could she? I would never let her. Because if she did, I would never forgive myself.

"Doctor she's bleeding." The doctor rushed in followed by James.
"How long?" The doctor asked lifting her head to take a look.
"An hour or so. At first it was just a clot forming. Now she's been bleeding for the last twenty minutes." I told him.

"We need to take her to the hospital."
I looked at James. James looked at me.
"You can bring the equipment doctor. It's dangerous for her outside."

He nodded and left after dressing her injury to stop the bleeding.

I sat at the edge of the bed, running my hands through my unruly hair. What the hell was going on? I had to do something fast.

"Ms Kalebs!" I looked up at James.
"James. Is he fine? My brother?" I asked.
"He is. You know Calvin won't do anything till he has this girl."
"I know."

I remained silent for a while.
"Cameron's looking for her isn't he?"

He nodded. And I could tell by the look on his face, it wasn't good.
"How am I going to explain this to him?"

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