Chapter no.32

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Corinne's POV:-

I had totaly forgotten about Aiden and Laverna for the past few weeks. It has been days since I heard their voices. I wasn't their own daughter but they were more to me than just my best friend's parents.

They had been my rock in times of trouble when dad was gone and I didn't know what to do. I wouldn't have been able to keep myself together if it weren't for Aiden and Laverna.

But how could I face them? After what had Merleah been through because of me.
She had nearly been killed. I still cringed at even the thought of losing any of them. Either it was Leah, her parents......or Cameron.

I didn't know what was happening to me. All my thoughts started with Cameron and ended on Cameron.

Right now I was debating with myself whether to try and talk to both Aid and Lav or not.
My sketching pencil dropped onto my desk with a clatter as I finally decided to get on with it. I had to talk to them. I had to get them back. I couldn't concentrate on my work either so what else could I do?

There wasn't much left to do for the season. I just had to finish piling up our newest handbag collection before it could be out in stores. I was also secretly working on a few designer dresses on my own but that was it.

Logging out of my Macbook, I placed my files and sketchbooks into my desk drawers and locked them. Throwing the keys hastily into my purse, I grabbed my phone and wallet before walking out of my office towards Cameron's.

I knocked once before entering.
His back was to me as he talked on the phone, he stood facing the glass wall that was actually a window giving a view of all of Paris.

I knew he could sense my presence seeing how his muscles in his back tensed under his grey tight shirt. I was beginning to lose my concentration.
He turned to look at me as I leaned against his desk, ramaging through some files just because.

He walked to me with slow steps. His grey eyes stared into my green ones as his luscious lips kept moving as he talked.

"Hold on Mr Kentt...." he pulled the phone away from his ear and spoke to me.
"Listen carefully while he speaks. Note down the details." I nodded.

I watched as he put his phone on speaker and put it on a table by the door. I averted my gaze to his feet as he moved closer to me and I stepped away from him till my back hit the wall gently.

What was he doing?

His right hand went to lock the door. His left hand went to trap me without any chance of escape.
"You were saying Mr Kentt?" He spoke.

"Ah-ahem! Yes I was saying-" and after that all the things the man was saying were just a blur in the background as Cameron pressed his lips to mine. How was I supposed to concentrate on what Mr Kentt had to say when my own boss was assaulting me with kisses? His kisses would be the death of me.

His left hand held onto my waist tightly while his other hand held my face in place as he kissed me feverly in heated passion.

My body trembled under his touch. I was shaking. My knees crumbling. I held on to his shoulders to stop myself from falling as I melted into his arms.

He left my lips red and swollen and kissed his way down to my collarbone. His hand slithered from my face tantalizingly slow, cupping my right breast, giving me euphoric shivers when his finger tips touched my most sensative spot.

I tried not to gasp at the ripples of pleasure coursing through his contact with my skin.
"Stay focused Ms Braylon." He whispered into my ear for only me to hear. My eyes widened slightly. I could hear Mr Kentt speaking through the other end but his words made no sense to me.
"Very well then Mr Kentt. See you tomorrow." I was beyond shocked how I was already out of breath when Cameron was so relaxed.

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