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We walk towards the hall on the right. After a couple of turns, we reach the end of the hall and Steve scans his card and fingerprints to gain access.

"Welcome to black operations" he walks in front of me, "I heard you tell the agent outside about black ops. Collaboration with the secrecy of this program is imperative. I trust you to understand that and comply with the requirements of the program. That means, to everyone outside of this room, the program is nonexistent. you are just another analyst. understood?"

"Everyone thinks I'm joking. I mean, here I thought you hated me" I joke.

"no one thinks that. YOU make it up." we walk inside the glass room where we discuss missions and Alex's cereal. He's my best friend by the way. he knew the real me before everything happened all at once.

"I'm back bitches!" I announce and take a seat next to Alex. Alex is the cyber agent; he gets all our equipment up to date and we need him for any communication. Mako, he's an excellent long range sniper. Carlo, the best at unarmed combat. Elizabeth is.... a poison specialist. That's a thing. And Rylie, she's from bomb squad, she can make and disarm any bomb.

I'll introduce myself. Skylar Prowse, here, is a proficient compeller. She can talk anybody in or out of anything. I play mind games. i enjoy mind games. I'm good at knife dancing. And I do have a thing for interrogation. But what's valuable to us the most is that Steve said, and I quote, i "can find literally anything or anyone in this world". Apart from that, I've got what everyone else here does too. We can all speak multiple languages, have one or more black belts, have extensive knowledge of weapons and usage of such, covert operation, driving techniques, and we're all fairly good at acting.

"Mako, I got something for you, meet me in my office," Steve says out loud.

"So you're an escapist now?" Elizabeth asks once both men leave.

"I'm sorry?" I'm distracted.

"the escapist, you broke out of The Altar, only person to complete it? impressive"

"yes, that's me" I raise my eyebrows. "Hey Alex" I wave at Alex who I already knew, since the very beginning. he's probably my only friend. "and, I'm not really the only person that's done it"


"no, Kaden Ryan accompanies her in that aspect," Alex says for me. he despises Ryan for some reason. he smiles his boyish smile even though he's 23. "he got bit by Diamondback and almost died" he's still smiling and I just....

"I question your moral sometimes"

"says you?" he asks me.

"They put me on watch" I whisper to him. "they say if I slip again and show the smallest sign of rebellion they'll cap me." Everyone is just sitting around which is what most spies do, most of the time. Until Medina comes in the room again. Phone in hand and looking quite pale. Sandra, an operation director stands up once she hears the voice that comes through the speaker. "I will only tell you once. You send another agent to me, and I will hand you their balls on a gift box."

"It's him" Alex jumps from his seat.

"Haven't you killed enough of them?" Medina asks.

"not quite". put the girl on the phone"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"she's on your right" how the fuck does he know? he must be looking in, suddenly everyone turns to the glass windows that are high on the building but no one sees anything. then everyone turns to me. "and take me off speaker" Medina gives me the phone reluctantly. I put it on my ear. "you're next" then the line is dead.

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