5.Ticking bomb

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i have been hunting Skylar Prowse for right about 3 months. she's so slippery it's absurd. i'll give it to her she's good. when i was CIA i watched the training session. i was operations, she was only 18 then and did intelligence. a whole room full of people watch the trainees but i watched her. she looked so innocent, small and soft, the kind of person who has power on their fingertips and not their mouths. I know she has a dark past though. you can see it in her eyes, how they scream for help when they water. She's a ticking bomb.

She trained endlessly not wonder the bitch dislocated my shoulder. Apart from me, she's the only one who's ever broken out of the white box, the famous physiological test designed to drive people insane by depriving them of one of their senses, she was blindfolded.

i wanna be the person that finally kills her. Not only for revenge but for the pure satisfaction of having HER under the barrel of my gun, not a mile apart no, i want her right. in. front. of me. There is something about her that drives me insane, makes me want to have her. Makes me behave like an animal. She didn't have my attention from the beginning but once she got it she doesn't let me sleep in peace.

I will have her dead the next time i encounter her. i have to. I'm taking everyone who had a play in Chris' death. EVERYONE. i'm not the good guy, never been. i cut throats. i pull the trigger. i worked for the CIA until i couldn't take it anymore. When my brother died a flip in me switched off.

Still i cannot stop regretting what i've done. Or haven't done. i should've killed her. She should be dead by now. But tonight i have a job to do. She'll have to be second stage. I'll leave my computer running a tracking program on her car though. i mean not hers, but the one she stole from Jose's party.

i walk to the garage of my house in springs, long island, right in the middle of a fucking forrest. i punch in the code that lowers the walls revealing all of my personal weapons. a beautiful AS50 lies on the center of the blue lit wall. the sniper rifle is more than perfect for the job, i'd say even overqualified but i intend on going inside the art auction so i take a full syringe of cyanide. this shit's good. it will kill anyone anywhere from 1 to 30 minutes. as a field agent in the CIA i was required to ingest pills of this if i was ever caught. so i have a good supply. The target is on some wealthy man. i don't know his story, i don't care about it. i got the job through Jose and i'll take the money.

i take my gloves and put the rifle inside its case only to then load it all into the Tesla.

This guy, he's hard to catch alone but tonight he'll be easy. An incoming call disrupts me from my thoughts. "Kaden?" it's Alicia. Chris's widow.

"Yeah?" i focus on the dark road ahead of me that leads back to the city.

"Hey i'm sorry for even asking but would you be able to take Chloe to school tomorrow i'm flying to Yale to see your mother and my mom can't really go out in the middle of Brooklyn to take her granddaughter to school" she sounds desperate and in her situation i would understand.

"Yeah of course you don't need to ask that" i hear chloe talking on the background. She grabs the phone.

"Hi uncle Kaden!" her enthusiasm fills my smile.

"hey sweetie, how are you? did you braid your hair yet?" it's her habit before bed.

"no... but i'm going to right now byeeeee!" she gives her mom the phone.

"she likes you against all odds" alicia's voice comes on.

"what, i'm a great uncle i don't know what you're talking about" i say a bit happier now that i've heard her voice.

"ok if you say so. be here at 8?"

"yep. if i don't die tonight" i joke. "but i'll have someone do it if i do"

"Absolutely not. either you come, or no one does. and stop joking around, you dying is not funny. be careful, whatever you're doing tonight" she warns as if she were a sister.

"i'll do my best" i turn serious.

"ok, be careful, love you"

"Yeah of course, bye" i drop the call. And suddenly the silence in the car catches up to me. They're the reason i'm doing this, i need to keep them away from them. Once my record is clean, all my debts are paid, i'll disappear.

i get to my destination just in time but parking in New York is still not easier. i walk inside the museum and the exposition and auction are in full swing, i need to find the fucker, he's Russian and follows their mob. i walk in ready to kill, a predator looking for it's prey. the cyanide is invisible to the scanners, and it is safely tucked into my pocket.

i walk through carefully, i haven't heard good music in a while and i can't complain, although i have my mind somewhere else through these white walls. and, you know me, i like to be intoxicated so i drink some hard alcohol before i continue.

oh... fuck..me!

Skylar Prowse. Fucking Prowsy pants is walking gracefully with a plunging neckline of a dress that's made of crystals or some reflective shit cause it fucking sparkles. Does she need to be this extra?... i mean i'm not complaining, she looks stunning, but...

i see her talk to seemingly no one. she's got an earpiece, is this one of her little missions? i smirk, the mystery of her turning me on a little. Not too far from this exhibition i spot my target. He's in a circle of men, but not just any men, it's the British ambassador and the Russian Foreign minister.

i walk right into the circle casually, in the middle of a laugh. "gentlemen" i put a smile on my lips and a palm on my victim's shoulder. "hello" i stretch out my hand to the British ambassador and the Russian foreign minister and they shakes it with enthusiasm.

"how you doing?" one asks.

"i'm very well sir" i say quickly. "i'm sorry, may i have a word? i'm afraid it's an urgent matter" i talk to my man to my left. He looks at me suspiciously and i put my hand on his shoulder as we walk away slowly.

"hello mr. Vancouver." we keep walking and i take the small syringe on my hand and turn to be right in front of him. i push the needle into the lower part of his torso. "you will be dead in 20 minutes"

i wink at him and walk away. onto my next priority. i spot her in the same room as i, watching the man i just drugged.

"oh you have to be fucking with me" i hear the words escape her red lips and i look slowly over my shoulder to see a man having trouble breathing. my chin lowers and my eyes become very very engaged. i relax my shoulders for a moment unable to contain the urge to look at her from head to toe and scratch my lips. Damn she's fucking beautiful.

"What are you doing here?" she throws a sharp look at me charging towards me. However i grab her arm and force her backwards against a small dark corner by the exit door.

"well heaven didn't want me and hell's afraid i'll take over." i smirk at her and push her harder again the concrete. "what fun is it hunting you when you keep showing up places?" i have her by her neck.

"Oh, that was you trying to find me?" she challenges. i laugh at her response.

"Oh fuck you," I say realizing she must be on a case. presumably on the same case as i. her face turns quickly to me. oh how beautiful, I doubted I would be alone on this one. "his clock is ticking"

"That was my mission," she says quietly pushing my hand off her neck. "did you just assassinate my op?" she says through clenched teeth.

"aw man. did i take your golden star of the month from you?"

"do you think this is a joke? I had an assignment on him." the words come through angry and clenched teeth. "I thought you were just an obstacle, but you're a motherfucking parasite"

"listen, you want intelligence? get it, you have 15 minutes. more than enough. and i'm sure you wanted him dead as well"

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