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When i open my eyes i have a headache that's bigger than my ass. The light is making it through the window but the cloudiness of the day keeps the room cold. There are no clocks around so i look through the nightstand where i find a Rolex. Gosh it's fucking 5pm. i get up and find i'm just wearing a t-shirt instead of a hoodie like i was last night. Then i remember. Kaden got me out of the hoodie because i was sweating, and gave me sleeping pills so i wouldn't wake up again. Nice one. i walk to the main room but the house is empty and all the furniture has been renewed. Even the fucking windows were repaired.

where did he go?

i try to open the door but it's locked. Ok, so i'm a prisoner now? i take deep breaths. This is not the Altar Sky, you escaped. you're safe. There are no snakes. No padded walls.

this house would be my dream house. In another world, where i wasn't training or working constantly, or if i wasn't so damn fucking terrified of being seen through the glass walls. Caught. in my world being invisible is the single strongest thing anyone could ever do. The more boring, and lethal you are, the better.

in the kitchen i go through the options for food, if he's having me trapped here at least i'll do as i please. i make myself omelet but i make it with 4 eggs, when i only really eat one, and as i do i remember last night. i've never had a nightmare like that one. it was lucid, i felt everything. i felt the cold, the hunger, the snakes, the utter fear. i felt. and i felt weak.

My skin chills at the thought of the cold mud in the forrest, the wet, humid cold. i think of the flames burning the forrest. it was supposed to make me stronger. it usually makes people stronger even though no one ever gets to the end of the line, i bet they don't come out broken and scared to death of most reptiles.

Suddenly the front door unlocks and Kaden shows up dressed in all black, his tattoos showing on his arms and hands. He has a wind collar on for some reason. Snipers are a very strange breed. I've only met a couple in my lifetime because they usually do the cleaning jobs, when a situation needs to be taken care of quickly. Us mortals, we go in slowly and take out the problem from the root. There mostly quiet humans, very observant and lonesome which explains the whole middle of nowhere house.

"You're awake" he remarks pushing his backpack off his shoulders. What was he doing?

"Did you just rob a bank? You want to get arrested?" i point at the wind collar and continue frying the omelet.

"No, the Tesla was charging so I took my bike" he finally pulls it off, which messes up his dark hair and it makes him look hotter than i wished he looked. He walks to the cabinets and pulls out a box of cookies. Freaking peanut butter cookies.

"you had... you had cookies?" i stare at him. "and you didn't tell me? Here i am, making omelet like i care for my health, and you had cookies."

He looks confused but eventually hands me the box and holy jesus christ mother mary on earth! This is the best decision i have ever made for my tastebuds.

"pack up, we're leaving in 1 hour. your washed clothes are in the laundry room"

When i turn around he's gone. That easy.

I felt a hint of aggression in his voice that raises red flags, because i never washed my clothes, and the paper with his names and passport numbers were in my shorts. my heartbeat accelerates and i go through the hall down the kitchen to the laundry room, folded on top of the washing machine i find my underwear and shorts. empty.

I close the door and almost as if on autopilot I put on my own underwear and put on the same shirt i had on. fuck shit fuck shit, this is it. i'm dead, i have no gun. i don't know how to get out of here. he'll find me every tim-

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