14.Can't hide

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"ok we're fucked" Kaden curses, and that, ladies and gentlemen, we are. 

time freezes. See I think I know how to stop time. Seemingly impossible, but your concept of time might not be the same as mine. In fact, theperception of time is known to vary from person to person and to be affected byemotional states as well as mental illnesses. Awe, for example, is suggested toexpand one's perception of time availability as this state of perceptualawareness causes an increase in the focus of the eye, speeding the rate atwhich the eye captures light and giving the illusion that time slows down. 

fun facts with skylar just when a plane is about to crash into another. the plane leans sideways, almost flipping making me fall right onto Kaden who falls onto the wall. the collision is certain and my heart beat raises but... we just glide, both planes pass each other sideways. 

"i can't regain control!" the pilot shouts while i am on the floor on top of Kaden who hit his head on the wall and the whole craft shakes and stumbles on the air. loud beeps pierce the air and my eardrums. "a turbine just failed!" the pilot shouts over the noise. nothing major, a plane can do just fine with only one engine. 

"shit" i curse.

"two engines!" he yells as i go check the wing. 

there is a 3ft hole on the left wing and it's causing it to move like crazy. there are 4 engines, we are ok. the plane can glide. the plane has reached about 8,000 ft of altitude and my ears are starting to decompress. i walk back into the cabin where Kaden is sitting on the co-pilot's seat. 

"since when do you know how to fly planes?" i ask worrying for my safety. 

"are you gonna do it?" he turns away from me, his eyebrow is bloody, must have been the hit. i point at my own eyebrow. "nice" 

"that was you, so.."

"what did i do?!" i ask like a kid asks when their mother is mad at them and they have no clue why. he doesn't answer, instead he concentrates on what the pilot's doing. 

"we'll do an emergency landing in Connecticut?" Kaden asks casually with a relaxed tone. i'm finally getting my composure as well as i breathe in and out. 

"tower isn't picking the signal" the pilot says. why am i on the cabin? "check MacArthur."

"closest is Hartford" 

"what? that's too far, gliding is a far shot we can't risk it that far" 

"i got it" i say and grab the telephone on the board. "get me MacArthur" i tell Kaden and he goes through the computer to get the tower extension. i dial it. it doesn't pick up. 

"i tried that skylar!" 

"shut up let me work" the tower has to pick up the signal, we're not that far north or up. there must be something wrong on board. the transponder is a device installed in all modern aircrafts to help identify a plane to traffic control so that chances of collisions are reduced. that device is controlled on the cabin, i take a quick glance but the box has all switches turned on. is air traffic control even aware that we're on air? i take the radio transmitter and talk into it. "this is Sqwak  7432 requesting emergency landing" i wait for a response but nothing. "we're not even on the grid" 

"it's the transponder" the pilot tells me. 

"what's wrong with it?"

"nothing should" well something is! Kaden stands up but i reach the box first. i reach into his pockets knowing that he has a swiss knife. with one of the blades i open the panel. it's completely fine inside it doesn't make sense. 

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