6.I Will Bring you Hell

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he's fucking done it. WHAT IS HIS BUSINESS HERE? does he purposefully sabotage my shit? what is wrong in his head? i don't like changes in plans, that's not how i work. He reminds me that the only way of serving a storm as deadly as him, i need to give him a reason not to. He already walked away though, i need to concentrate.

"He's out, he's running out of the place!" I hear The operation director on my earpiece.

"Follow him, i will approach, he's dying we can't arrest him or it'll be on us" i talk into it. They've been outside the whole time, i have a camera on my glasses, i needed evidence of his espionage to turn it against Russia. so far all i got was him talking to the ambassador and foreign minister. i got him on tape while he took something from the hand of the minister. I NEED that something. This is a disaster, but i'm not failing this, i'm getting what i want. i walk quickly out of the museum and spot Kaden as he's jogging down the stairs. Farther ahead i see Peter walking away hurriedly. i walk down fully intending to get to peter but he collapses to his knees and the people around him gather.

i run towards him and drop next to him screaming. "he's my cousin, oh jesus Peter!" i pretend to care for a moment while fishing through his jacket. there is nothing, except a syringe, it's empty. what is this? i see my backup come to me. and they break the scene apart as i stand up. "he's clean" i whisper to Mark. "this was on him" i give him the syringe.

"what? We saw him put in in his pocket, we had eyes on him at all times." What did he do to the drive?

"Take him in. i'll find the drive" i tell him quietly before walking away towards Kaden, who's walking down the street behind the museum to the parked cars.

"i think you have something that belongs to the government and i happen to need that" i say loudly, there's no one around here. He opens the car but does not answer. "are you listening to me? stop fucking around"

"i don't have what you're looking for. take another step, baby, and i'll strangle you right here."

"i am not the one you should be having problems with baby"

"i don't have it" he repeats. "it was a drop off Prowse, even i got that, he gave it to someone else when he found out he was going to hang it"

"Anyone could have the drive" i murmur to myself questioning why i'm taking his word. i can watch the security footage but i need this tonight or the FBI won't be able to take him in with no evidence.

"no, he has the drive" he points to someone walking toward us. Kaden fixes his sleeve cuffs and walks past me to the man walking quickly. he better be right about him.

Kaden sinks his knuckles into the man's face starting a fight that Kaden ends by slamming him onto the sidewalk with his hand twisted behind him. Two seconds after he takes the drive from his pocket and stands up to kick him in the face.

Kaden returns to me with the drive on his hand, but puts in his pocket with a smirk on his idiotic face. i take out my gun from my grater and point it at his crotch. "give it"

he chuckles and hands it over to me. "i'll let you finish, and i'll find you tomorrow. run". he thinks the mystery is going to drive me insane? he thinks i'll be looking over my shoulder. Without another word he gets in his Tesla. Leaving me with the flash drive and a pair of men walking in my towards me from both ends of the road. Both have guns. i take mine out but this is a nearly impossible;e situation. The first shot flies and i duck behind one of the cars parked on the road. i take one of the men down on a single shot but this is in no way an advantageous position. I come out and take another guy down but before i can ever aim again an arm comes across my throat and something is injected halfway into my veins before i can force my way out of the grip. The place stings and i already hear sirens approaching. my legs start to shake and my vision blurs.

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