From the Future? Elvis Presly love story

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I was walking out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk. I looked up at the pedestrians walking and they seemed so used to the insane heat in Memphis. I sigh smiling, Las Vegas is nothing compared to this heat. Luckily, I was only in Memphis for a short time- for a psychological science conference.

As much as I geeked out about going to the King of rock n' rolls' home I had to remember I was a professional psychologist that had to put her work first. I looked down at my smartphone to make sure it was the right date - June 15, 2013. I had my whole day planned out as soon as I got out of the conference. I'd be going to Graceland for a single V.I.P tour and then I'd probably buy everything that they had in the gift shop. Snapping back into reality and I realized I was just a couple of blocks away from the conference. So I started to walk faster then checked the time on my phone- but then suddenly I just stop and read a text message someone sent me.

After I finished replying I looked back up.....nothing was the same. Everyone near me are staring at me like I'm a psycho killer. I look around at everyone and notice they all have slacks and long skirts on with short hair. My face couldn't help but grow bright red as My body turns numb. People's' faces were in disgust now, I hear people murmur the weirdest things.

"This tramp is wearing the shortest skirt I've ever seen!"

"How is her hair not pin curled?!"

"If I were her husband I'd give her a stern-----"

Embarrassed and clueless I speed walked my way to the other side of the street. But new staring eyes welcomed me. As I speed walk away from everyone a man with a pencil and notepad tried catching up with me and another man with a black box and big lightbulb was following him. I looked back and realized he was waiting to get a good shot of me. I panicked and I was suddenly grabbed by a small hand. It made me stop and turn to the person. It was a woman, no older than I am- maybe 22 and she had the most sweetest smile.
"I'm so sorry sweetie if I might have scared you. But it looks like you have no idea where you are..or maybe when. Quickly, follow me before that reporter sticks his nose in where it doesn't belong."

Just then the camera man took a photo; I know because of the enormous, bright flash that made me and the other woman flinch. Without a second thought she led me to her home.

I found myself being tugged from back alleys and dark alleys. Finally we stopped, she slowly turned to me smiling. She let go of my wrist and walked out into the street. She turned to me as I stepped out of the alley cautiously. I looked around and saw a neighborhood. Kids are playing in the front yards, dogs barking in joy and couples pass by holding hands on the sidewalk.

Out of astonishment all I could say is just "wow". By now, the woman is crossing the street to get to a lovely little yellow house. I quickly followed behind her still taking in my surroundings. As soon as she was near the door I stopped at the gate. She turned to me with a grin.

"You'll be safe here, now come in. My husband is at work."

Confused to why she brought up her husband I agreed and walked in. I politely shut the door and watched the woman disappear into one of the rooms. I take a deep breath and finally speak.

"Thanks a lot for saving me out there. I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't for you..."

The woman finally comes back but with clothes folded neatly in her hands. She walks up to me and smiles.

"Don't worry about it, I heard what some of the people were saying..and that's not right at all. Obviously you aren't from here... well anyways, I just came from dropping my son off at preschool and saw you. The press can be savages and I couldn't just leave you there. Anyways here, these are some of my clothes. You can wear them for now until we go shopping for more."

She handed me the folded clothes still keeping the smile on her face.

"My name is Judy. I really hope I didn't scare you earlier."

She looks at me with hope in her eyes until I finally spoke.

"Thanks again, Judy. I just don't know what happened..I was on my phone then all of a sudden I'm in a whole different setting."

Her smile turned into a serious face.

"Well I mean it was June 15, 2013 half an hour ago! I don't know what happened myself!"

I tried explaining myself but all I found myself doing was confusing Judy and myself.

"You can't be from the future...."

She stares at my appearance more than ever with such confusion and interest.

"Well I certainly don't look like you or any other woman that was staring me down earlier. Let's just say there's a big difference in fashion and feminism in the future."

Confused she starts walking toward the rooms. She looked back at me.

"Come on, you'll need a place to stay until you find out how to get back."

Relieved of her kindness and her belief in a stranger I followed her.

"Thank you."

"Aye, you seem like a sister to me."

"Already? And the name's Marie. Marie Herrara."

She hugs me and grins, "already."

[i seriously hope you guys liked this!]

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