Chapter 3

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*** Third Person Point of View ***
July 18, 1957 Friday

E stays up the whole night- with no pills, no empty feeling, no anything. Only mindless thinking of her; when finally,he gets up looking for Charlie as the sun rises. Once he spotted him, E stops and runs his hand through his dyed luscious black hair with Charlie gazing confused than ever.
Nervously, E begins to stutter.

"Ch-Charlie. I-need you- flowers."

Knowing not to mess with the boss, Charlie raises an eyebrow.

"I was about to pick em' what about them?"

Feeling relieved and defeated at the same time, E puts his hands on his hip.

"Don't send them yet. I want to personally give them to her. But you come n' help me pick em'."

After demanding this E turns around, making his way back to his room. He didn't even realize he walked out of his room with pajamas. Pjs out of his bedroom was completely illegal in his mind. He scowls at himself in the mirror.

"Damn shame. These bags'll be the death of me."

E soon loses his pjs for a fresh suit. He dries his fresh wet hair and prepared his pompadour. He stares at himself in the shiny mirror. Fame seem to do him well.

*** Marie's Point of View ***
July 18, 1957 Friday
Ever since the little interview I gave at the mall, the press haven't been sticking their noises in my business. It was nice finally living like an average Memphis citizen. I also loved my little shopping spree that I had. I officially loved my new life. From that day on, I pick little Russell up from pre-school and take him to a park close to Robert and Judy's home. Today was the 19th of July - finally, Friday!

The morning was like every other day that I've fallen in love with; we ate breakfast and said our good-byes to Robert as he left for work. Judy and I clean up then we walk Russell to pre-school. He happily obliges knowing it was the day before the weekend. Russell and I seemed to have a close bond now. He held both Judy and I's hand as we walked down the street. Ofcourse, he was in the middle keeping his favorite girls protected. Russell would look up at me as if making sure I was still happy. It was an adorable habit he had after his mother told him about reporters bombarding me and making me nervous. After a couple of minutes walking down the street, we made it to his preschool. Judy fixes his buttoned up shirt, gave him a peck on his cheek and a tight hug. Russell turned to me waiting for his next hug. I kneeled down and hugged him tight.

"See ya later cutie pie."

Russell looks up at me and Judy with a smile for the last time then runs off into the class. Judy and I slowly made our way home. I stare at my surroundings, everything seems so young and new. Flowers were blooming and so bright. Streets are filled with cars and pedestrians everywhere. A family with one Cadillac seemed enough to satisfy the entire family. This was the era I daydreamed about and it's unbelievable to say I'm living this lifestyle now. Judy seemed to be watching me as I gaze around at our surroundings, she laughs and watches the sidewalk go by.

"What is it Judy?" I look up at her with an eyebrow raised.

"You're making Vegas in 2013 seem like a very horrible place!"
she laughs out loudly. I laugh, trying to choose the right words to describe the future.

"It's not that it's a horrible place... it's just well, used. Everything's either old and barely hanging on or new and stripped of its history."

Interested, Judy stares at my face. It must have been complex since she kept staring at it nearly the whole way home.

"Still, those light up things sure make up for it." I look at her confused.

"What light things?" I laugh realizing what she was talking about-my samsung galaxy s4 and my iPod touch.

"You know! The things that light up when you touch it! Those things are amazing!!"

"There's watches and big tvs that can do that too you know." I smirk. It was enjoyable watching her and Robert's expression when I talk about all the new things in the future. Flabbergasted about the idea of all the new technology, Judy kept asking the most simplest questions about it until we got home. No matter how many times I'll get asked about the future I don't think I'll ever get tired of talking about it. Even I would be surprised if someone told me they're from the future with a new generation of high tech stuff.
******************Later That Day****
It was a little after 3 when I hear the preschool's bell ring. I wait for Russell patiently by the fence surrounding the front of the school. I see Russell walk out of the school slowly. As if surprised to see me for the first time, his eyes light up. He makes his way through his slow classmates as quick as he can and hugs my legs tightly.

"Hi Marie!!!! I missed you!!!" Russell looks up with an innocent smile.
I smile stroking his hair,
"I missed you too! Now let's make our way to the park!"

Russell nods happily and grabs a hold of my hand. He rushes to the sidewalk. I laugh as I watch him lead me to the park.
In a matter of minutes we made it to the park. Russell dashes to the slide knowing it'd soon be occupied. I sat at a bench that faced the playground so I could watch him.

I remember I have my phone and decided to check if I had service. Knowing how crazy it seemed I could have sworn I had a couple bars when I checked earlier today. If it wasn't for Judy calling me from another room I would have double checked. But, to make sure I was crazy I checked for the second time today. Insanely enough, I had internet access but no bars.

I looked up to check on Russell and he waves at me with a proud face. I wave back smiling small. I kept watching until he went back to playing in the sandbox. I look back down and stare at my Facebook app sign in page. I've been so distant from my electronics that I have to actually think about my password for Facebook.
"Woah," I whispered under my breath. Thinking, I decided to type every word I might have considered as my password.
Third Person Point of View*

Feeling defeated, E, Joe and Charlie sit at a bench in a park near Graceland. No one's soul was more broken than Elvis'. He tried hiding it- as if the loss didn't phase him, but it did. He wanted to find her and just see her lovely face. Just a glimpse or maybe just to see her smile or even hear her laugh. Joe set his hand on E's shoulder.

"All damn day we searched...and nothin'." Elvis choked out.

"I know E. I know. We can still keep lookin' if ya want. We're behind you."
Charlie consoled.

Distressed, E set his hand on the side of his head;he was just thinking.

"I'm exhausted Charlie. I think I'm givin up."

Seeing the sadness growing, Joe tightened his grip on Elvis' shoulder.

"Boy, you're not one to give up. Especially on a girl! We ain't walked squat! Your poor pink caddy's been driving us around! Come on E! You say this girl's different and all that sappy crap why don't you keep your head up and keep looking for her!"

Motivated, E stands up and faces his men on the bench glad. Elvis is mostly back to normal. He smiles small but laughs a hearty laugh. The boys join him as they slowly stand up. They soon walked around the park somewhat easing their minds off the search of the girl yet still continuing the search. They passed by the playground and saw a little boy playing; he seemed to wave at what seemed to be his mother. Charlie stopped to see the little boy smile and receive a wave back from his mother. The trio didn't think anything of it since the back of her head was in a small bun that matched the dark hair of the boy.They quietly watch as the mother laughs and the son runs to her with open arms. After that, the men went back to E's pink Cadillac and drove away with a little more motivation on finding the girl.

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