Chapter 2

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*** Third Person Point of View ***

It's past midnight in Graceland and he's sitting in front of the television box in the jungle room. Late night news flashes the screen, interrupting his cowboy movie. He murmurs an obscenity and reaches for the remote when the news anchor says "a woman seen nearby South land Mall dressing provocatively leaving men and women distracted."

Just then a black and white picture of a lovely girl dazzled the screen. The beautiful girl didn't seem to notice the picture being taken; she turned ever so gracefully in the picture but still showed all her lovely features. His eyes sparked with interest to the box and with open ears.

"Unsure of who this woman is, reporters were at the scene when she caught everyone at the South Land Mall's attention. The woman appeared out of thin air and wore a skirt shorter than anything Memphis has ever seen! Eye-witnesses say she looked like a street walker with long black hair. The woman was last seen running off with another Memphis native woman. The two were never seen again for the rest of the day. We'll keep an eye on this woman for some citizens believe she's 'from the future'. I'm Robert Wayne and that's it for channel 10 news now back to the original channel schedule. "

His cowboy movie came up on the screen once again but this time, he didn't pay it any attention. His thoughts were all set on the mysterious woman that came out of nowhere.

*** Marie's Point Of View ***

Waking up in the morning was difficult. It seemed like yesterday was a complete dream. I tried making myself think I was back home in Vegas but I was still in the same time and place. After a couple hours staying in bed I got up making it my mission to look like a 50s woman. To avoid the press I'd use Judy's clothes she offered me. It was a short sleeved yellow cream button up shirt with a orange knee length skirt to match. I put my hair in a tall ponytail and giving myself a winged eye look. Without hesitation, I opened the door to her, her husband and son looking up at me from their breakfast. My eyes open wide.
"Uhm..I'm sorry."

Judy's husband wipes his mouth on his napkin and stands up.

"Miss Marie?" He walks up to me as I stay frozen.

"My wife told me much as I'm a skeptic and the man of the house I don't very much believe you're from the future but I do believe in helping those who have bonded with my family."

A small smile creeps up my frightened face. Now I understand why she brought up her husband. The fifties, duh.

"Thank you-"
"Robert Tylerson. Very nice to meet you darling."
"Thanks again. Forgive me for interrupting your breakfast."

Robert smiles patting my back.
"Nonsense, you're family. You're only joining us now!"
He leads me to the table with a smiling Judy and a curious little 3 year old boy. I smile at him and he sheepishly, laughs. Judy notices the growing bond and chirps in, "his names Russell"

As we finish breakfast we got to know each other more. Judy's a stay at home mom while Robert works at an advertising company. Little Russell goes to preschool so he can be ahead of his kindergarten class. The family's so perfect and the definition of a 1950s family. They love each other dearly and have the proof. Lastly, Robert was running late; he ran out the door as soon as we all finished. As I helped Judy clean the table I suggested to go shopping for more clothes. She was over joyed about the idea.

We quickly finish cleaning. Now it's time to take little Russell to school. The cutie pie didn't want to leave my side.
"How about you go take Russell to his preschool while I go to that one mall?"

She had a worried look on her face.

"You sure Marie?"

I smiled "yeah! It's just down the street right? And anyways I look like a 50s cat don't I?"

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