Chapter 19

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*** Elvis' POV ***

Thursday afternoon, September 24, 1959

I didn't want to let her out of my sight. I don't think I'd be able to handle myself without Marie being by my side. I had to keep my composure up whenever I went to base but as soon as I came home, all I want is Marie.

I requested today off, thankfully it was granted. But I know I wouldn't be granted more for a while. Might as well make it worth it for today. Marie has yet to get used to the time difference, but it's assuring to know when she wakes up abruptly, her grip on my chest tightens.

I proved to her I hadn't taken a pill since that first morning we shared. It broke my heart seeing the same scared face. I knew in my heart I couldn't hit her, I just needed something to hit. Luckily the wall was right behind her. I'd never lay another hand on her. Well, in anger.

I watch Marie in bed from the corner of the room sitting in an armchair. She wearily lifts her head up at me, fluttering her big brown eyes at me. Her breath taking brown eyes amaze me far more than any pair of blue, green or hazel eyes can. The clock by the bed shows it's 12:35 p.m. She smiles her adorable, heart stopping smile, her dimples show making my heart melt.

"Good morning." She softly says brushing her hair back.

I smirk, taking in her beauty.

"Good afternoon."

Her smile fades.

"I'm sorry."

I shake my head chuckling.

"It's fine, darlin'. I'm off duty for today." Her smile returns.

"I'll get ready real quick then." She says stretching out of bed, her black hair falls gracefully down her waist.

I stare at her until she closes the bathroom door. She stopped her habit of locking the door, which makes me glad she trusts me with her privacy. I hear her shower then brush her teeth. She grins as she walks out in a towel making her way to her bags.

"You better layer up hon. It's mighty cold out there." I say glancing at the window behind me.

She nods and takes out a long sleeve navy blue polka dotted swing skirt and the bright cherry red winter dress coat I bought her a couple days back. I laugh as she hesitates to wear her black T-strap heels. She changes and puts her makeup on in front of me. I watch fascinated. She giggles every once in a while after catching me staring. As she finished she blow dries her hair and brushes it. She stares at her beautiful mane and glares at it.

"Leave it like that." I didn't mind her hair not being in any of them fancy lookin get ups, it was perfect enough as is.

She turns to me and smiles, "alright."

I finally decide to stand up and walk to her side. She closes her eyes as I kiss her cheek.

"You look stunning, baby."

She strokes my cheek.

"Thanks Sargent." she whispers.

I slip my hand with hers as she grabs her purse and we walk out the bedroom. We made it downstairs having all the guys stare at Marie. She turns red as the guys whistle. I give them a death glare and the whistles stop. Pa and Dodger watch us innocently.

"I'm gonna show her around Bad Nauheim. Just drivin' around, alright?"

Annoyed enough, all the guys just nod. I grab Joe's keys and open the front door for Marie. The cold hits us hard, I glance at Marie feeling her pain for being a stunning miss of class.

From the Future? Elvis Presley love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang