Chapter 16

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August 13, 1958

Through the last few days, I slowly made my way inside Gladys' room. It was very difficult, I kept stiff sitting in a corner as I watch Elvis and Vernon surround her. It was almost midnight and Elvis was quietly singing Mama to Gladys. He held her hand tight as he sang.

Vernon has his arms crossed, bags under his eyes and messy hair. Elvis was just the same. Vernon wearily stands up, he puts his hand on Elvis' shoulder. Elvis glances up at him with glossy eyes. He sniffles shaking his head at Vernon.

"I won't leave." Elvis exclaims.

Vernon puts both arms on his shoulder, Elvis looks away in despair. He nods quietly moving his eyes to me. He kisses his mother's cheek and whispers to her. She cups his cheek for a moment. He then walks towards me, he slips his hand into mine.

"We need to get some rest."

I gaze at him, I wanted to protest but I know I shouldn't. Before leaving her room, I let go of E and made my way back to Gladys. I kiss her on the cheek, I was getting dizzy. She cups my cheek and pulls me closer to her.

"There ain't enough thank you's in this world to thank you enough for loving my boy. You're good for him, baby. Please, please, whatever you do, stand by him. No matter what, you hear me? You're a mighty perfect gal, don't let anyone tell you different." She mumbles struggling to talk.

I place my hand on top of her hand that cups my cheek. I fight back the tears. I shake my head slowly.

"Gladys you'll get better, I just know you will. Don't talk like that..please, you're like my mother, I love you."

She smiles small, mouthing 'I love you too' as tears fall from my cheeks. Elvis walks to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. Gladys and I let go of each other as E leads me out of the hospital. He wipes away my tears and kisses my cheek.

I recall Joe leaving earlier as Elvis opens the car door for me. We drive off into the night without saying a word. He ran his hand through his hair a few times probably still getting use to his new do.

"Can't get use to the hair?"

He glances at me with half a smile.

"I know you can't..." he smiles small as he holds my hand.

"You know there wasn't a day when I didn't think about ya." He continues staring at the road.

As always, he was speeding and running through red lights.

"I missed you too, Elvis...a lot." I glance down at my lap.

He lets go of my hand and strokes my leg. I look up at him as he stops for a red light. He forces a smile, it made me feel better.

"Can ya tell me something darlin'?" he asks with his eyes locked on mine.

I nod avoiding his eyes, I know what's he's going to ask.

"Why was it ya know. Get in the room with us?"

I breath in deep and exhale, slowly. I look down at my lap, Elvis still has his hand on my lap.

"Long story short, this isn't the first time this has happened to me. My head started spinning when I walked in. I'm sorry it took me awhile..."

E lifts my chin up, making my eyes gaze into his.

"Don't you dare apologize. You held my mommas hand until the medics got to our house. You took care of her. She understands. She knows you love her....

If somethin's bothering you, tell me." He says calmly, I shake my head too stubborn to let it out.

"Another time," I mutter as I look out my window.

From the Future? Elvis Presley love storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu