4. Give It A Chance

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"You should give Mike a chance." Eli tells Zion as he waits for him to finish. "It's not like you don't know him."

"What are you talking about?" Zion asks.

"You can't tell me you don't find him attractive."

"Is he? I haven't noticed."

Eli raises an eyebrow. "Are you really telling me you haven't noticed?"

"That is what I said."

"So why are you pretending to organize your desk when we both know you are done for today?"

"I'm not pretending."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Let's go to your yoga class."

"You need the class to relax too."

"I'm relaxed." Zion mumbles biting his lip.

"Sure you are. You can't deny you were laughing with him during dinner."

"It was funny."

"So what was all the secrecy about?"

"There wasn't any."

"Zion, you and him were in your own bubble, laughing and there were glances. You can't deny that. I saw it. Dante saw it."

"Stop talking or I'm leaving you there."

Eli smiles. There is no denying it, Zion. I'll help you realize it. We all will. "By the way your cheeks are red."

"Eli!" Zion replies as Eli moves away from his grasp laughing.

"I'm not taking you to yoga class."

"Ah, come on Zion I'm just teasing. We can't miss it!" Eli comes back to Zion's side.

Zion sighs.


"Eli!" Zion states kicking his leg.

"Mike, you don't mind taking Zion home, right?" Eli asks.


"There we go, I can take Dante home."

Zion glares at Eli. I should have driven my car. He thinks. "I'm not trusting you again." He says for only Eli to hear.

"You'll have fun." He whispers back with a smile.

"I hate you."

"You'll enjoy yourself."

"You're selfish."

"Maybe." Eli replies with a wink. "Love you." He tells Zion giving him a hug. "You can thank me later." He whispers before he grabs Dante's hand.

"I'll see you later guys." Dante says.

"Be safe." Eli yells behind him.

I'll strangled him the next time I see him. Zion thinks. How does he expect me to go home with him? I don't know him that well.

"Ready to go?" Mike asks.

Zion nods.

Mike opens the door for Zion before he goes to the driver's side and gets in. Zion can't help, but think that no one has opened the door for him before and feels warmth spread in his chest from the action. He relaxes as music starts playing.

"What else are you hiding?" Mike teases. "You said you didn't bowl well."

"I never said I didn't know how to bowl."

"Fair enough, so should I know anything else?"

"You will just need to wait and find out." Zion replies.

"I'll look forward to that."

Zion's eyes widen at the implication. He doesn't want to know anyone else, especially Mike.


"Where were you?" Hunter asks; his hands into fists sitting in the couch.

"Work dinner. I told you I was going to be late."

"That was over hours ago."

"It was catered and it was later than planned. We had a problem with the tech and we couldn't leave until we all did the first check."

"The studio closes at 10pm."

"You know that we always stay late when we need to."

"Not unless it's the week of wrapping up."

Zion bites his lower lip to prevent the anger from boiling over. Hunter has no reason to act the way he is. "I already told you that we had a problem with the tech."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying."

"Then, you should have let me know."

"I'm sorry for not calling you, but I was dealing with the problem. You know I'm the head of the visual effects department."

"I hope you're not lying."

Zion bites the inside of his cheek. "I'm not a liar. I'm going to bed. I'm tired." He states heading towards the bedroom.

Hunter gets up and grabs his arm. "Don't leave me talking." He says tightening his hold on Zion's arm.

"You're hurting me." Zion says; he tries to pull his arm away from his grasp.

"I better not find out that you're lying to me. And don't you ever walk away until I say the conversation is over." He says in a deadly voice.

Zion's eyes widen in fear. He has never seen Hunter as he is acting right now.

"Do you understand?"

Zion nods.

"I want to hear an answer." Hunter says squeezing his arm.

Zion flinches. "Yes, I do."

"Now, go get ready." Hunter states pushing him in the direction of the bedroom. "And don't let it happen again."


Why did that come to mind? Zion questions. Just when I hadn't had any in a few days. When I was enjoying life a bit again. When is it going to stop?

"Zion!" Mike exclaims.


"Are you alright?"

"Yes. Why?"

"You spaced out."

"Sorry, I'm fine." Zion replies looking out the window. He realizes they are at Zane and Sofia's house. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Zion goes to open the door.


"Yes." Zion turns around to see Mike.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Mike asks searching his eyes.


"Okay. Goodnight."



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