9. I Have To Tell You

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:) right now these updates have been right after another because I'm on break and I've finished writing the story :) though I may go back and add/change some things depending on any comments you all may leave. 


After dinner and bowling, Mike grabs Zion's hand to lead him to the game area.

Zion pulls Mike to a stop. "If you want to continue with this relationship, I have to tell you something."

"You can tell me another time. Right now, let's go play a game."

"But it's important."

"Can it wait for another time?"

Zion bites his lip. Reluctantly, he agrees and lets himself be pulled toward the game area of the restaurant. He soon forgets his worry. Being with Mike, it makes him feel like he can face anything and everything will be all right. He pulls Mike towards him for a kiss surprising Mike.

Breaking the kiss, Mike smiles. "You all right?"

"Yes, why?"

"The kiss." Mike states.

"I wanted to kiss you." Because you make me happy. You make me feel safe.

"I enjoyed it." Mike states kissing him again before pulling him to another game.


"I have to talk to you. I have to tell you something..." Zion says breaking eye contact.

"What is it?" Mike asks taking Zion's hands in his.

Zion looks at down at their hands. He tries to pull his hands away from Mike's.

"You can tell me." Mike reassures him.

Zion nods. He takes a breath before he lets it out. "I'm--I'm..."

Mike squeezes his hand.

"I'm transgender; female to male."

Mike nods.

"I understand if you change your mind." Zion says removing his hands from Mike's. His gaze everywhere, but on Mike.

"When did you begin transitioning?"

Zion looks up at Mike. He's not running away. "Socially as I grew up, but it was mostly when I was in high school that I had people start referring to me as male. My family had already accepted me as a male. They have always been supportive. Physically during college."

Mike nods. "I'm glad they have been."

"You can ask me questions." Zion encourages. He doesn't know where the courage is emerging from. Why is he so calm?

"How did the school react towards you? Did that have something to do with you moving here? I know you said because you wanted to be near your brother."

"There was some who weren't accepting of who I am. It felt great moving away because no one knew me here. It was starting anew at the same time I chose to start hormone therapy. The friends I made here were supportive."

"I can only imagine how challenging it might have been. Is it still difficult?"

"To open up to people...when it comes to relationships." Zion replies.

"Are you sure you're okay with who I am?" Zion asks.

Hunter chuckles. "I told you I am."

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