5. Premiere Night

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"Are you ready?" Zane knocks on Zion's bedroom.

"Yes, I'll be right out."

"You take longer than I do." Sofia states when Zion walks into the living room.

Zion smiles. "You are naturally beautiful."

"You are too." Sofia says.

"She's right." Zane says.

"Let's go before we are late." Zion says ignoring the compliment.

"You need to start accepting compliments." Zane states.

Again. Zion knows that's what Zane wanted to add.

The lights and the flashes from cameras blind them as they walk the red carpet. They meet Dante, Eli, and Mike inside the theater.

"Hello guys." Zion greets them.

"Aren't you looking handsome today." Eli greets Zion.

"Yes, you are." Mike agrees.

"Thanks." Zion replies blushing. "You do too."

"I feel so uncomfortable in a suit." Mike states.

"Isn't most of it part of your dress code at your work?" Eli asks seeing Zion close and open his mouth.

"Sometimes, we have a lax dress code."

"Well, now that we've admired how handsome and beautiful everyone looks tonight let's head inside. I can only stand in heels for so long." Sofia states.

"But they make you look wonderful." Eli states.

"Yes, but I don't wear them often to get used to them." Sofia replies.

Eli nods.

Mike ends up sitting next to Zion. Eli sits next to him followed by Dante, Zane, and Sofia.

Is this seating arrangement purposeful? Zion wonders.

"You really look great." Mike repeats for only Zion to hear.

Zion blushes. "Thank you." He replies shyly; he bites his lip trying to not show his smile. "You do too." Zion whispers just as the lights are turned off.

With the light coming from the screen, Mike sees Zion's blush intensify. A smile grows on his lips. He really finds himself drawn to Zion and he intends to get to know him better. I need to figure out how to get him to open up to me. Mike thinks. Throughout the movie, he keeps stealing glances toward Zion.

They arrive at the after party and claim a booth in a corner. They get drinks and begin to talk about the movie and random other topics. Soon, Sofia drags Zane to the dancefloor and Dante and Eli are talking amongst themselves.

Zion sips on his drink and lets his gaze wander to the dancefloor. He loves dancing. It's been awhile since I've dance, not since--

"Do you want to dance?"

What? Zion thinks before he turns to Mike. "What?"

"Do you want to dance?" Mike repeats.

Zion shakes his head no.

"Do you not dance?"

Eli gets up, his hand in Dante's. "You should ask him to dance." Eli tells Mike. "He loves dancing." He says before he is leading the way to the dancefloor.

Zion glares at Eli's retreating figure. Why am I still friends with him?

"So you love dancing." Mike states.

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