23. Why?

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Why did I let you convince me?  Zion asks himself.

"I'm sorry." Mike says. "I didn't think it was going to be this hot."

Zion replies with a slight smile. "It's okay. It won't kill me." He replies. He shouldn't make him feel guilty. He could have said no.

"But you can't fall asleep."

"It's okay." Zion replies turning on his side.

"We won't be coming camping anymore." Mike states trying to keep his voice light.

"If you really want to, we can come again. I know you like it. It's not too bad being here with you."

"You're going to be tired."

"You are too. You're still awake."

"It wouldn't be fair if I slept and left you awake." Mike wraps his hand around Zion.

Zion giggles. "You know the proximity isn't helping with being hot."

"I know I am."

"You know what I meant."

"Nope." Mike smiles.


The silence surrounds them.

"It is peaceful." Zion whispers.

"That's what I like about being here."

"I still prefer the beach."

"All the sand everywhere."

"There is dirt here too."

"It doesn't get everywhere."


"Go to sleep." Mike replies.

"You can't just say that to get me to stop talking." Zion smiles.

"I can."

"That's not going to work."

"This will." Mike says as he kisses Zion.

"I guess." Zion says as Mike breaks the kiss. He bites his lower lip.

"It was good that I didn't plan to bring you here as part of our honeymoon."

"I wouldn't have agreed." Zion says.

"Maybe you would have."

"Where are we going for our honeymoon?" Mike asks.

"It's a surprise. Zane is paying for it."

"You're not really mad at him for setting us up."

"No, but it was fun seeing him think I was."

"Is that why he is paying for it?"

"Yes, he wanted to make it up to me for interfering in my love life." Zion replies. "I couldn't say no after he suggested it. I also wasn't mad at you."

"I know. I'm glad you weren't."

"I was when I learned about it, but having some time alone before I saw you helped. I know he had the best intentions and you well you're lucky I love you."

"I love you too. I'm not keeping anything else from you."

"I know." Zion yawns.

"Are you going to fall asleep?"


"I'm still waking you up to watch the sunrise."

"I wouldn't have slept much."

"You'll love it."

"We should just stay up."

"There are still a couple of hours left before sunrise."

"Tell me about one the last time you came camping." Zion states.

"Hmm, I don't think you want to hear that..."

"Why not?"

"Because it wasn't a very good time."

"That still didn't make you not like camping. What happened?"

"Well, you shouldn't let experiences stop you from enjoying the things you did."

Zion plays with Mike's fingers. "Yes."

"I came with friends."

"What's so bad about that?" Zion questions.

"One of them, well, he was my boyfriend."


"Our relationship was rocky at that point. Everything seem to bother him and we weren't spending much time with each other. The trip was a last chance to salvage our relationship, but it didn't end well. His insecurity became a problem. He didn't want me spending time with male friends alone. How could I not when my roommate was one of my closest friends and most of my friends were males. During our trip here, I left him sleeping while I woke up early to make breakfast. Our other friend also woke up and he started helping me. He found us laughing at some joke. He was angry, slamming things. He started packing his things. He said he was leaving. He couldn't just leave. We had all come in one car. We all had to leave. Once we got back home, I broke up with him. I couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't trust me."

"He let go a great man." Zion states.

"So I'm great." Mike teases.

"I take it back." He says letting go of Mike's hands.

"There are no take backs." Mike says pulling Zion on top of him.

"Let me go."

"Nope." Mike says nuzzling Zion's neck.

Zion smiles. "Mike, you're not letting me sleep."

"I don't think anyone is going to anymore."

Zion situates himself, "Does it make me selfish to be happy that it didn't work with him, so I have you now?"

"Maybe." Mark smiles. "But I'm thankful for all the experiences--the good and the bad--I've had, they've shaped the person I am today."

Zion smiles. "I'm going to be grumpy later today."

"You're not."

"Don't you remember when I don't get enough sleep."

"Then, you'll be my grumpy Zion." Mike chuckles.

"Mike!" Zion whines.

"You will." 


Who else doesn't like camping as Zion? Who likes camping like Mike? :)

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