Chapter Three

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“Oh. My. Heavens.” My mother’s voice trails into the kitchen where I’m washing the dishes. I follow it into the living room, where she’s pushed aside the curtains to stare out the window. “I can’t believe him!” She lets the curtains close as she hurries to put her shoes on and I follow in suit. “Only a few, he said,” my mother grumbles.

Out the front door, we both stop in our tracks. My dad grins and waves as he opens the trailer that the truck has pulled into the driveway. He walks inside, and in a moment, returns with a horse. He’s just leading it out when two more trucks pull into the driveway with trailers behind him.

The horse is gorgeous, and I’m not just saying that because I love horses. It’s completely midnight black, with no markings or change in colour. It neighs loudly, nodding it’s head a few times as my dad gestures for me to come over.

My mother covers her eyes with her hand. “How many animals did he get?” She says worriedly. Sighing, she turns around and heads into the house. I hear her call for Emery as I head down into the commotion to help out.

“This is Nightfall,” my dad says, handing me the lead rope that’s connected to his halter. He smiles at me before walking back into the trailer. I gently reach out and stroke his head happily when Emery approaches. We haven’t talked in days since he told me to leave him alone, and he hasn’t even come near me.

“New horse?” Emery asks, slowly reaching out and rubbing Nightfall’s head. My eyes grow wide in surprise. Emery actually talked to me and touched a horse without having to be addressed first.

“Nightfall,” I tell him when my eyes wander away. It looks like he isn’t the only horse we’re getting. My dad heads towards me and hands me another lead rope. I hand Nightfall to Emery, who surprisingly accepts while I look over the next one. “Where are we going to put them?” I ask nervously, knowing there isn’t much room in the barn since the cows are already inside before winter hits.

“When Vince gets here we’re going to build a fence around one of the smaller fields we don’t use,” he calls to me, leading another horse towards me. “The one you’re holding is Dawn, and the one I have is Dusk. They’re a package deal apparently,” he laughs, nodding towards a man who’s unhooking another trailer.

Dawn is beige, with a white mane and a marking down her face. Dusk isn’t much different except that he’s a bit taller and is completely brown and his mane is closer to black. Shrugging to Emery, the three of us lead them towards the empty cow pen and unhook the horses once we’re inside.

“When is Vince getting here?” I ask, trying to hide my obvious anger towards him.

“In a few days,” he tells me as the three of us exit the pen. Someone I don’t know is yelling, and once I’m on the other side of the trailer I see why. My dad and I start laughing as a man tries to pull a goat out of one of the trailers. However, it won’t budge, just like the other two.

“Give him a hand?” Dad asks me, and I run towards him.

“Let me help,” I tell him, and walk into the trailer. The goats all back away, but I crouch down and hold my hands out in front of me. Eventually they become curious, and walk towards me. “Emery?” I call gently over my shoulder. I’m still shocked as he walks towards me, ready to help me.

Slowly, I pick up one of the goats in my arms. It starts make noises as I hand it over to Emery, who looks very awkward handling something so fragile. Twenty minutes later, my parents, Emery and the two men who drove here are all standing on the fence, looking at the horses and goats.

“I hate to see them go,” the man who was struggling with the goats tells us, taking a sip of lemonade that my mother brought out. “But since we’re moving to the city, we can’t bring them with us.” I know two main reasons why my dad agreed to this. One is because he has a thing for animals in need along with delinquents like himself. The second is because he knows I need something to keep me busy with Emery leaving tomorrow.

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