Chapter Sixteen

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“Emery!” I scream at the top of my lungs and suddenly all eyes are on my. Somewhere, someone stops the annoying music that once pulsed through the house. I try to shake him awake, but it’s no use. The people around me finally come to their senses and start yelling for help.

“Someone call 911!”

“Does anyone know CPR?”

A girl yells into her phone for help as a guy rushes over to me. He pushes me aside lowers his head to Emery’s chest.

“I know CPR,” he tells me, before starting to revive Emery. I watch in horror, tears falling from my eyes when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and look up at Vince, who doesn’t meet my eyes. He’s watching Emery’s motionless body on the floor.

“Oh my god!” Yells Mary, rushing through the circle of people around us and kneeling at my side. “River!” She cries, wrapping me in a hug. I expect her to start screaming, but instead she whispers into my ear. “I need to talk to you when Vince isn’t around.”

She pulls back and I nod at her, as the paramedics come running into the house. They push us aside and gesture for everyone to move back. When I refuse to leave Emery’s side, a policeman starts to shove me away. Instantly, I start screaming and struggling out of his grasp, reaching for Emery who’s too far away.

“Hey,” Vince says sternly, grabbing the arm the policeman has around me. “He’s her brother.”

The policeman instantly lets me go and I sprint towards Emery, falling to my knees. I can’t tell whether Vince said brother to make some point with me, or that explaining the situation about Emery living on my farm takes too long to explain.

“Help him!” I cry to the paramedics who kneel around him, trying to revive him. As soon as I’ve spoken, the paramedics stop. Before I can start screaming at them, they tell me he’s breathing again. They raise him onto a stretcher and prepare to take him into an ambulance. “What happened?” I sob, clutching Emery’s hand as tightly as I can.

“Someone drugged his drink,” a man tells me, as they start pushing Emery out of the house. I follow, holding onto his hand as I feel everything start to tingle. First my feet and hands, then the rest of my body goes numb. It only takes a matter of seconds before Emery’s hand falls out of mine and everything goes black.

Three Hours Later:

“You are in trouble, young lady,” my mom says sternly, pacing back and forth in front of me. I sit on the old couch, my hands in my lap as I stare at the floor. My dad’s at the hospital filling out Emery’s paperwork, while my mother attempts to take his place for punishing me. “No truck, TV, or going out for a week.”

I ended up passing out because there were too many people in the room and not a whole lot of air, plus the fact that I was having a panic attack because of Emery. Luckily, someone caught me before I smashed my head like he did.

“Is he going to be okay?” I whisper nervously, raising my red, swollen eyes to my mother’s.

“Yes, River,” she sighs. “He has a concussion and may have more problems; however they will take a day or two to diagnose.”

“When will he wake up?” I cry softly. My dad said he would call when Emery wakes up, however the phone hasn’t rung yet.

“River,” my mother says, sitting on the couch beside me. She wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into her. “They don’t know yet. It could be a few hours, days or weeks.” Slowly, I rise to my feet and my mother’s comforting arm falls off of me. “River?” She calls, as I listen to the sound of my feet on the stairs. When I’m in my room, I shut the door behind me. Emery always slept with the door closed.

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