Chapter Twenty-Nine

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“There’s no reason to be scared,” murmurs Emery, taking my hand in his. “I’ll be careful.”

I give him a look. “You and careful aren’t exactly good friends.” Emery laughs and I roll my eyes.

“Come on, River. It’s not that bad.”

I don’t have much of a choice as he pulls me towards his motorcycle and makes me climb on the back. He places a black helmet on my head and I narrow my eyes. I must look absolutely ridiculous.

“You look cute,” Emery says, placing a quick kiss on my cheek. He puts on his own helmet and kicks the kickstand out of the rough driveway. My parents watch with smiles from the front porch, happy to see us getting back to normal. It’s been over a month since everything happened and all loose ends have been tied.

“You’re a liar,” I smirk, as Emery climbs on the front of the motorcycle. It rumbles to life and I wrap my arms gently around Emery’s stomach, ready to hold on for dear life. His ribs are still sore and so is his stab wound; however he doesn’t mind pushing his luck like he is now. I guess I am too with my broken ankle but it’s not like I’m walking.

“Ready?” Emery asks, turning his head sideways to see me. I glance towards my parents. My mom grins and my dad gives us a thumbs up.

“I guess so,” I sigh, however before I can finish my sentence, we’re already speeding out of the driveway. By the time we get to the road I’m already gripping Emery so tightly he has to pry my hands loose.

“Drive with both hands!” I yell nervously, only making me grip him harder.

If I could see Emery right now, I’d bet he’s rolling his eyes. I try to do my best to be brave as we speed down the road. My hair flies behind me in the wind while I press my right cheek into the top of Emery’s back. I watch the snowless fields zoom past us, no longer winter but now spring.

By the time we reach Mary’s, I’m screaming. It’s not scared screaming though, even though I’m completely terrified. I’m yelling because somehow I’m actually having fun. Emery pulls us into her driveway to turn around when she runs out with her parents. Now that you mention it, the motorcycle is pretty loud. Loud enough that they could probably hear it when it started at my house.

“You’re crazy!” Laughs Mary, grinning. Her mother gives a small smile and a wave along with her father. It’s not exactly the same as it was before, but it’s an improvement to things going back to normal with them.

“Come over!” I shout back. Mary looks to her father excitedly and he shrugs, digging his truck keys out of his pocket. They head towards his truck while Emery pulls us back onto the road. Soon we’re speeding down the road already leaving the truck in our dust. By the time we’re back in my driveway, the truck still hasn’t caught up.

“How was that?” Smiles my dad, walking towards us as Emery and I take off our helmets. He cuts the engine and climbs off the motorcycle.

“Great,” he grins, as Mary’s truck pulls in our driveway. My dad looks genuinely surprised to see Mr. Smith climb out of the truck, sporting a shy smile. I am too, as he hasn’t been to our house since before the incident in the barn.

“It’s been too long,” Mr. Smith sighs, slightly awkward. He walks towards my dad with his hand held out for a handshake.

Suddenly I’m losing my balance as Mary yanks my arm. I climb off the motorcycle before I can fall and Mary hands me my crutches. Before I can even get a good grip, she's dragging me towards the barn. Emery laughs, not following as he pushes the motorcycle towards the shed.

“How is he?” Mary asks, as we step into the barn, our arms linked together. I don’t have time to respond as she runs towards Patch’s stall and heads in, wrapping her arms around his neck. He neighs happily as I rest my arms on the stall door and rest my chin on my hands.

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