Chapter Five

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Emery lets go of my shoulders and I crumple into a heap on the ground. Normally, I would object and tell him it was to save him, because I love him. However, I know it won’t make the slightest difference to the new Emery Hastings who hates me more than his own father.

Emery throws my bedroom door open, and it slams into the wall. Not caring about waking my parents, he is the farthest thing from quiet as he runs downstairs, then throws open the front door.

I don’t know where he’s going but I don’t follow. Instead, I drag myself back into my bed and pull the covers over me. Shaking and sobbing, I sink into my pillow and hug my knees. One constant thought runs through my head, and it’s that Emery hates me. The only boy I’ve ever loved hates me more than anything.

Eight Hours Later:

My eyes slowly open, and for a moment, everything is fuzzy. For that second, I’m happy and everything is okay. Then it all comes rushing back.

I jerk straight up in bed, and wince in pain. I’m dizzy from hitting my head, but I don’t care. I jump out of bed and walk to the mattress. Emery is on it, and his backpack is gone. In my pajamas, I rush downstairs and into the kitchen, where my mom is reading the newspaper.

“What’s the rush?” She asks, pushing it slightly down so she can see.

“Where’s Emery?” My throat feels like it’s closing up as I speak worriedly.

“River,” she says, putting down the paper. She grabs her reading glasses and removes them from her face so she can see me. “He left two hours ago.”

All the blood falls from my face and I feel like I’m going to pass out. My legs start to give out and I shakily walk towards the kitchen table, sitting down in an empty chair. “Why didn’t anyone wake me?” I whisper, barely seeing what is in front of me. Emery’s gone. He’s probably on a plane by now, and I might never see him again.

Mom gives me a look that says what-are-you-talking-about. “Emery said he woke you up and said goodbye before he came downstairs. I thought you would want to go to the airport, but he said you didn’t want to.”

My hands start to shake as they clasp together in my lap. Emery didn’t say goodbye. He left without saying a word, and I may never see him again. Plus, we left on horrible terms. If I do see him again, what will happen between us?

Suddenly, I remember something. I haven’t thought about it in a long time, and Emery never brought it up. Slowly, I rise to my feet and walk upstairs. In my room, the look of the empty mattress and Emery’s things gone makes my heart ache.

At my bedside table, my fingers clasp the nob and pull open the drawer. Shakily, I lift out the small silver box. Emery had given it to me on my birthday, and I told him I loved him, ruining the whole night. I put the necklace back in the box and in my drawer, never to look at it again. After we fixed things between us, I forgot all about it.

My fingers lift the lid of the delicate box and I gasp. The small, horse necklace that I loved so much is gone. There’s only one explanation for it, and I know that it’s because Emery took it. At first, I wonder if he took it a while ago. But after a few minutes of sitting on my bed and sulking, I decide it had to be after the conversation last night. He wants me to move on, and I can’t if I still have a part of him with me.

Sighing, I put the box back in the drawer and fall backwards on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling, and remember all the times Emery and I stared at it together. Tears start to fill my eyes as I think for the worst. Emery might never come back again. But if he did, would I still want the new Emery he is now?

Farm Girl Loves Bad Boy (#2)Where stories live. Discover now