Chapter Eleven

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I don’t know what to think. On one hand, things have completely changed. Emery’s not talking, not even to my parents; at least while I’m around. On the other, he still hates me. However I still can’t get over how he hugged me last night.

I stare at him now, struggling to buckle himself into my dad’s truck. It’s snowing giant, fluffy white flakes that will for sure make the roads back. Regardless, I watch from the downstairs window as my dad pulls out of the driveway. Emery doesn’t even notice me watching, holding the curtains back as they turn onto County Road Six and drive away towards the police station in Springdale.

I’m dreading this moment. It’s the moment when I know my mom’s busy cleaning, my dad’s now out, and Emery’s gone too. It’s the time when I know I have to face Vince and talk to him, whether I want to or not.

As slowly as possible, I slide my feet into my winter boots. My mom eyes me from the kitchen knowing I’m being strange, but I ignore her glances as I take three minutes to put my arm in my jacket. By the time I’m putting on my unnecessary white lace hat, I know I’m not making this any easier for myself. With a sigh, I grab my gloves off the vent beside the door and step into the cold.

I can already see Vince through the barely open barn doors, trying to block most of the snow from coming in. He barely glances at me as I poke my head in. He’s wearing a winter hat, gloves and his jacket while he stacks hay in an empty stall.

“Can we talk?” I ask quietly after he doesn’t greet me. He continues to avoid looking at me while he grabs squares of hay and piles them on top of each other.

“What is there to talk about?” He grunts, still focusing one-hundred percent on the farm work.

“Come on, Vince,” I whine, pushing open the barn door halfway. I don’t walk in, but instead hope he will walk out. “I’m sorry.”

Vince drops the hay he’s holding and turns to look at me. He takes a step out of the barn, smacking his hands together to make the hay fall off. “Well,” he sighs, snowflakes falling on him. “I’m sorry too.” I raise my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. “Look, River,” he sighs, staring up at the cloudy sky in frustration. “I can’t compete with him. If you want to chase after some kid who’s going to hurt you all the time, go for it. Just don’t expect me to pick up the pieces.” He shrugs and gives a sad smile before spinning on his heel. He walks into the barn and shuts the door behind him without giving me a second glance.

I walk over to the horse field, and crawl under the fence. After I’ve walked a few feet in, I drop in the deep snow onto my back. Snow flies up for a moment around me, and then I’m closing my eyes as snowflakes fall on my face.

As much as I hate to admit it, Vince has a point. Why am I chasing after a boy who’s hurt me so much, especially after the promise I made to myself? My head tells me to hate Emery however my heart tells me I still love him.

I don’t know how long I’ve been lying in the snow when I feel warm breath on my face. I freeze as my eyes fly open, only to come face to face with Silver. She gently nudges my shoulder, and I stroke her nose.

“Don’t worry, I’m alive,” I mutter, laughing quietly. She nudges me again as I close my eyes, trying to contemplate what to do about Emery. Silver doesn’t move her lowered head as I think. All my life I’ve wanted something interesting to happen. However now when I have it, I want my boring old life back. My dad’s right. Boys are trouble.

“What are you doing?” For a moment, I think the voice is in my head. After all, I’m lying in the snow in the middle of an impending snowstorm. Then when I hear a noise of someone climbing under the fence, my eyes fly open.

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