Chapter Nineteen

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“You know,” smirks Vince evilly, leaning over me. “I never planned on actually liking you. At one point I did. Then Emery ruined it,” he snaps through clenched teeth. “Just like that bastard ruins everything.”

I squirm as Vince continues undressing me when I finally close my eyes.

“Why do you hate him so much?” I whisper through tears, as Vince’s grip on my mouth loosens. “What did he ever do to you?” I always thought it was just stupid competition; however Vince’s hatred seems much deeper than that.

“You will find out soon enough,” he spits, clamping his hand tighter over my mouth.

I can’t speak, I can’t escape, so all I can do is cry and pretend I’m somewhere else. I try to imagine I’m on a beach; however I don’t even get far enough to picture the water. No, instead memories with Emery flash through my mind. We kiss, we hug, we laugh and act like we’re a couple. I’m positive that I want my first time to be with Emery. However I don’t think I have much of a choice right now.

Vince moves his hand from my mouth before his lips smash into mine. I squirm and move my head away, but his hand move it back and hold it in place. His free hand trails my shoulders, slowly moving under my open shirt.

Suddenly, there’s a slam. My eyes fly open and Vince whips his head around. The loft door swings slowly, after it’s been smashed into the wall. Everything is a deafening quiet except for the sound of the door slowly recoiling.

“Emery!” I scream, shoving Vince off of me. I crawl to the edge of the bed in attempt to run to him, but I feel a hand clasp around my arm. Vince yanks me back towards him as I desperately try to get away. My eyes lock with Emery’s, but he doesn’t look surprised. He’s glaring, his eyes full of hatred. His hands are clenched into fists as his sides and his whole body trembles with rage. “Help me!”

Emery takes a step towards the bed however Vince is already off it. He storms towards Emery, grabbing the knife of the bedside table. I jump off the bed and take safety in the corner. I start to re-clothe myself as Vince is too distracted with Emery to pay attention to me.

“Get the fuck out,” snarls Vince, ready to attack. He doesn’t get the chance. As soon as he’s close, Emery punches him as hard as he can in the face. Vince falls over, holding his nose as Emery looks down at him in disgust. Quickly, Vince lunges towards Emery’s legs, wrapping his arms around them. Emery falls onto his back on the wooden floor.

Vince jumps onto Emery and starts hitting him when I realize there’s an unfair advantage. Emery has only one arm and is already hurt, while Vince has a knife. Quickly, I search the room, knowing I have to help somehow. Then my eyes land on the lamp.

Vince is too caught up in fighting to see me grab it off the nightstand and walk towards him from behind. He’s raised the knife, holding it ready to stab Emery. However Emery holds onto his arm, fighting the sharp object before it can pierce him. Smirking, I hold the glass lamp high above my head.

“This is for being a fucking asshole,” I snap. With all my strength, I throw the lamp as hard as I can into the back of Vince’s head. It smashes to pieces on contact. He instantly falls over, unconscious. Emery looks up at me. He looks like hell; however his mouth hangs open in shock. I don’t know whether it’s from me attacking Vince with the lamp or swearing for the first time in my life, however I don’t ask.

With shaky hands, I help Emery to his feet. Instantly he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug as I begin to sob. He smells like cigarettes and the smell comforts me.

“I’m so sorry for not believing you,” I cry, not caring that he probably doesn’t remember what for. “I’m so sorry!” Emery pulls back and holds onto my shoulders. There’s a new cut on his lip dripping blood and a gash on his forehead, though he doesn’t seem to mind.

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