Chapter Eighteen

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Every time I feel this way, I question everything up to this point. What I’m feeling is hopelessness. I’ve always wanted an interesting life, until I actually got one. The saying about the grass being greener on the other side comes to mind and I sigh. I wouldn’t trade Emery for the world; memory or not. However I didn’t realize that one, arrogant, amazing boy could change my life completely.

“River,” Mary says nervously, as we pull Silver and Patch to a stop in the melting snow. Its mid-march and the snows starting to melt in the fields, where we stand right now. “Remember how I said I needed to talk to you?”

It’s been a week and a half since the incident at the party and so far Emery still doesn’t remember me. He can remember other things about his life; however it takes something to remind him of them. For example, he remembered watching Twilight with Vince after seeing the TV. He just doesn’t remember the key part of me forcing him to watch it. Or holding my hand.

Mary hasn’t been allowed to see me until today since she got grounded for attending the party without her parents’ permission. They’re being strict with her ever since the incident in the barn with Emery’s father, as if her getting in trouble for doing things with me will make her want to abandon our friendship.

“Yeah,” I mumble quietly, not wanting to remember the horrifying picture of Emery lying motionless on the floor.

“Well, you know how when you ran into the house only seconds after me I was already gone?” I nod slowly, remembering looking for her and Mary being nowhere to be found. “That was because Vince grabbed me.”

My eyes grow wide and I meet her worried eyes. “What?”

“Yeah,” she nods and looks behind herself at the farm nervously, as if Vince can hear us right now. “I went inside and Vince saw me. Before I could say anything he dragged me into the backyard and started yelling at me.”

“What did he say?” I whisper.

“He was asking what I was doing there and if you were here. Then he kept on yelling for us to leave and go home until we heard the music stop and you scream.”

“Why would he do that?” I ask quietly, trying to put the pictures of the puzzle together. “Why would he freak out?”

“River,” sighs Mary, gently stoking Patch’s neck. “I think Vince is the one who put drugs in Emery’s drink. I think this is all Vince’s fault.”

Memories flash before my eyes. The first one is when I looked up at Vince, who stared down at Emery on the floor without expression. The second is when I asked him about if he knew who put the drugs in his drink and he got mad. The third is simply flashes of him saying mean things about Emery.

“It was him,” I whisper, turning Silver around. Mary asks where I’m going and pulls up beside me. “We need to tell my dad.”

Mary says something but I can’t hear her as I gallop towards the farmhouse. I have to tell my dad and get him to tell the police. At one point I wonder why he would do such a thing, but then I remember why he hates Emery. He hates Emery because I love him.

“Dad?” I call through the house after I throw open the back door. “Dad!”

“In here!” He calls from the kitchen and I run inside, not wasting time to undress my winter clothing or boots. “What’s with all the yelling?” He eyes my boots but doesn’t have time to say anything as I start to rush out my words about Vince drugging Emery. Mary walks into the house when I’ve finished talking and stands beside me, fidgeting with her hands nervously. “You both think Vince did it?”

Farm Girl Loves Bad Boy (#2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon