Chapter 2 Injured Ninja

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(Anything in italics is Tyler's thoughts and anything in bold are notes from me.)

"I thought she shot the damn thing!” Dean yelled as the brothers separated getting some of their strength back in the form of adrenaline. She motioned for them to run. Deciding not to protest they made it to the entrance when they heard a gunshot. The walls lit up with flame and the boys turned around only to see the Wendigo explode.

“Holy hell!” Dean exclaimed as the girl dropped to the ground. She groaned pushing herself up on one elbow. Slowly she managed to get to her hands and knees. I hope there aren’t any more of those damn things here tonight. Cause I’m in no shape to take them. Damn boys. Hands grabbed her under her arms and lifted her up. Figuring who they were she grimaced beneath her mask. They were laying her back. She opened her eyes and watched them.

“Do you think she’s alright?” Sam asked. She smirked but every part of her hurt. She was lucky and she knew it.

“Mm fine.” She waved them off. Sitting up, her vision went almost instantly and a pounding headache formed. Have to get them out alive. She figured neither one was in any position to carry her and she couldn’t seem weak in front of those two clowns. “Come on. We have to get out of here.” She led them out of the cave into the forest. Nearly losing consciousness. “Sam, Dean, stay close. I think I got them all but I was still researching.” Pulling out her weapon she could practically feel the heat from the blaze of the bullets.

“Who are you? How do you know us?” Sam asked as they slowly made their way through the forest.

“Not now Sam. Not the time.” Her rib was either fractured or broken, more than one, and she was fairly sure she had a concussion because she felt like she wanted to throw up. It felt like she could hardly breath. Deciding on a plan to get rid of the two boys she spoke again. “I think there’s another Wendigo chasing us. Get out of the forest I’ll track it down.” She started to move off in another direction but Dean stopped her.

“You think you’re going to go hunt a Wendigo alone?” He asked incredulously. Her mask hid some of the signs of her injuries but the blood from her wound was still trying to dry, some of it was still flowing, and that was a more obvious sign she was hurt.

“We all need to get out of this together. We aren’t letting you out of our sights.” Sam added.

“Saving your asses back there wasn’t enough? Now I have to babysit you too?” She taunted trying to get them to leave. A hand on her shoulder caused her to flinch. “Don’t touch me.” She grunted out.

“No way in hell that you escaped that scott free.” Dean said with a knowing look.

“Consider it us helping you out after you saved our asses.” Sam smirked. She grumbled but knew she had to wait until they at least got down the mountain. As they took the trail she pushed through the pain. Finally reaching the entrance path to the forest the boys headed to a black impala. She headed to the black mustang with the dark gray racing stripes. Leaning on the trunk she closed her eyes. She could feel them walking over to her.

“Alright we’re out of the forest. You owe us an explanation.” Dean said as he eyed her car.

“Reinforced steel titanium hull with a few of my own modifications.” She smirked seeing Dean looking her baby over.

“Not what we meant. We don’t know your name.” Sam said, even though he chuckled when Dean checked out her car. Her stomach chose that moment to divulge it’s meager contents. Swinging around she held onto the car and ripped her mask off puking in the grass. Not that there was much to puke. But it kept coming anyway and when she was completely empty the dry heaving started. All the sudden movement jarring her already sore ribs making them twice as painful.

 “She probably has a concussion. God knows what else.” Dean’s voice pierced the fog in her mind. Hands were holding her hair back from her face and rubbing gentle circles in her back. Shit.

“No way in hell you’re driving.” Concentrating she controlled her muscles and slowly stopped the contractions but not without pain radiating from multiple ribs and bruised muscles.

“We’re taking her back with us. We can treat her back at the motel, Sammy.” She heard keys being tossed. “Where’s your keys sweetheart?” Dean’s quiet voice seemed loud. Shaking her head she gripped the rear fender of her car. “You can’t even get up! Don’t make me search you.” Dean’s threat hung in the air. With a glare she pulled out her keys and reluctantly turned them over to Dean. Suddenly he had picked her up bridal style. A scream of pain locked in her throat as he jarred her ribs. Laying her down in the back seat she realized the brothers must have put something down between her and the leather. But it was home. Relaxing some she focussed on staying conscious. Then the car started. The engine purred like a kitten then they were off.

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