Chapter 27 Terrible Demon Trap

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“And you think he’s going to be nice just because you’re a girl?” Dean snapped at Tyler.

“I don’t expect him to particularly care about my gender.” Tyler’s voice was dry as she responded to Dean.

“Why not send one of us in as the bait again?” Sam asked trying to defuse the situation.

“Do you have angel blood running through you?” She asked him. Sam shook his head sheepishly. “I know you’re valuable Sam but he’ll stick his neck out farther for me than he will for you.”

“And how many demons have you pissed off? Did you escape from hell? Torture any demons lately?” Dean asked sarcastically not really expecting an answer.

“I was smart enough to never get sent to hell. Though I did make a trip there once. And yes actually, I did torture a demon recently. Not Alistair but hey we can’t all be superstars.” Tyler’s monotone shot back at Dean.

“You made a trip to hell?” Sam asked curiously.

“Yeah, actually I did.” She said. “Now, how about the plan. First-”

“Hold it. You aren’t going to share?” Dean asked miffed. Tyler glared at him.

“Do you want to share Dean? It’s not something I’m proud of. I didn’t enjoy my time down there and I don’t feel like reliving it. Thanks.” Her voice was snarky and full of sarcasm and Sam could tell they’d struck a nerve. Dean could tell too and he was sure she was lying about her time down in the basement.

“Fine. I know you’re lying but we have to get this taken care of.” Dean’s gruff voice answered Tyler’s anger and made her spin around in surprise. “Yeah, we know you’re lying. You’re not that hard to read.”

“Quite antagonizing Dean.” Sam said almost with a chuckle. Tyler didn’t look at Sam, choosing instead to glare at Dean while they drove.

“Fine. So are we headed to the lake?” Dean asked lightly.

“Nah, head to the motel. I have to pick up my car.” Tyler said shaking her head. Dean nodded and made a turn taking the trio back to the motel.

“Your stop madame.” Dean said to Tyler snottily. Tyler rolled her eyes but got out of the car without complaint. Dean had parked next to her mustang so Tyler just got out and unlocked the car sliding in with a smile.

“You know the plan?” Tyler smirked through the open window at the brothers.

“No, we don’t read minds.” Dean’s voice was flat as he spoke. “So why don’t you fill us in.”

“Fine. As you know I’m the bait. Basically Mr. Alfonso comes to the beach and takes me. You make sure nobody else gets in the way and to make it more believable. Just don’t hurt him too bad.” Tyler finished by revving her engine and backing out of the space.

“Do you think she’s gonna make it?” Sam asked Dean.

“Do I think she’s going to save those people?” Dean was quiet as they pulled out and followed Tyler to the beach. “Yeah. I think they’re going to survive with nightmares about this day forever, but they’ll end up alive. If you’re asking whether she’s going to survive Sammy... just don’t.”

“But Dean-”

“No. We aren’t going to think about it Sam. She’s not really a hunter so don’t get any more attached. If she comes out alive then we kill her, if she doesn’t then we can burn her corpse.” Dean was still quiet and Sam was dumbfounded. They were almost to the lake when Sam spoke again.

“Dean, we promised not to kill her.” Sam said.

“Her story doesn’t make sense. She left something out. I know it.” Dean grimaced as the brothers pulled into a parking space and waited for Tyler to get out and start walking to the beach.

“Shouldn’t we give her a chance to explain herself?” Sam asked.

“No. She had her shot and she didn’t tell us everything.” Dean said as they watched Tyler. She still had a grip on the wheel and was looking straight ahead almost blankly. Finally she shook her head and took her hands off the wheel and lowered her head to her hands.

This is it. I won’t be able to survive this. They’ll get on without me. It doesn’t matter where I’ll go. Hell is waiting, I knew this from the beginning and with the change coming... the angels won’t let me in. Come on Tyler, think of the people! The people you’re going to save. Think of the Winchesters. Maybe I can go back there...

Sam and Dean watched as Tyler straightened and looked at them with a smile on her face before getting out of her car. Looking at the mist covered lake Caleb slowly emerged. Tyler signaled them to wait as she approached the demon. But Sam and Dean got out anyway and followed her at a distance that they could just hear her.

“You did get my message. Glad you came Caith.” Tyler greeted him like a friend, but with wicked intent behind her words.

“How could I not? You made it so very obvious.” The demon said sarcastically.

“You know what happens next you bastard.” Tyler was still smiling at him.

“You mean the part where you make a deal for the lives of humans and end up escaping anyways? Yes, I’m familiar.” He smirked. “How you managed to do that and stay under the hunter’s radar still baffles me.” Tyler’s grin faded.

“You know as well as I do there won’t be any getting out of this one.”

“Oh sweetheart, I’m counting on it.” He grinned maliciously and his eyes flared black as they prepared to take each other on. “So I’ll see you in hell? Usual spot?” He asked and she growled taking one sad look back at Sam and Dean before walking towards the demon.

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