Chapter 28 Binding Mixed Blood

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“Tyler!” Sam couldn’t stop the yell that escaped his throat. She looked back at him her eyes were carefully masked. Sam went to run forward but Dean stopped him.

“Don’t be a fool Sammy. Let her do her job.” Dean’s voice was quiet in Sam’s ear as the elder brother held his mammoth of a sibling. Sam stilled in Dean’s arms staring at Tyler and the demon Caith.

“She doesn’t know what she’s getting into.” Sam whispered to Dean.

“You don’t know that Sammy. She’ll be alright.” Dean cooed trying to be optimistic about the whole situation. “Come on Sam. Stick to the plan.”

“Now that they’re done, are you ready bitch?” The demon Caith addressed Tyler. Tyler grinned at the name.

“Is that a new meat suit?” Tyler asked walking towards him. The fog behind him rippled but stayed just as solid as it was before.

“Not ideal and he put up quite the battle. But his seven year old sister convinced him to well... let me do what I want.” He smirked and Tyler raised her eyebrows at him.

“He certainly doesn’t look ideal. Rather annoying, really fugly, pathetic and even for a demon you’re still pretty damn dull.” She smirked and stopped about fifteen feet away from him.

“You know what that sounds like?” He let a smile take over his face. The smile was sick and full of viciousness.

“No but I just know you’re going to tell me.” She said with a sneer.

“Your past.” Tyler stiffened for a second before relaxing. “It still stings doesn’t it? Knowing but not knowing.” Caleb or Caith’s sneer made Dean and Sam freeze. “Your instincts tell you-”

“Shut up.” Tyler said easily. The demon looked a little scared as she closed the distance until she was inches away.

“They don’t know?” It asked her disbelief showing in it’s face. Tyler didn’t move but it must have seen something in her face that made the demon laugh. “Would you like me to tell them for you?”

“I think you know the answer to that you bastard.” Tyler answered him her tone light and easy. Dean would have thought they were talking about the weather. Neither boy moved from their spots as the tension rose. All they could do was watch the plan unfold and hope for the best.

“You’re right I do know your answer.” He grinned evilly before shaking his head. “Enough of the idle chit chat. It’s business time. You know the drill kid.” Tyler nodded but stayed relaxed.

“I do but I want something a tad different this time.”

“We’ll have to renegotiate the terms then you know.” Tyler nodded and the demon sighed. “Lay ‘em out for me.” He grumbled crossing his arms. Tyler just grinned and stepped closer whispering in Caith’s ear so Sam and Dean didn’t catch a word of it.

“I’ll find my own way to your little lair and free the captives. If I get captured, then I’m yours for-”

“One hundred.” Caith interrupted Tyler loudly and Tyler nodded her eyes narrowed a bit before continuing.

“One hundred years in your god forsaken torture chamber. You get to do what you want, no limitations and when I’m out for the captives you can send as many demons as you want to try to kill us.” She leaned in again whispering. She didn’t want Dean and Sam finding out about this. “But if I’m captured you have to let the girls go. Send them to Dean and Sam so they’re safe and you can’t send any demons after them.” I can’t even imagine what Sam and Dean think I’m dealing with right now. Great. If I get out of this alive I’m going to have so many questions to answer.

“You’ve got yourself a deal angel cakes!” Caith’s grin was feral. “Shall we seal it with a kiss? Make good on it?”

“Asshat. You know there’s another way. I’m not kissing you.” Tyler crossed her arms as Sam and Dean moved towards Tyler and Caith so they could hear what they were saying more clearly.

“A demon can try can’t he?” Caith shrugged and pulled out a wicked looking curved knife. Tyler pulled up her sleeve and Caith did the same and the linked hands so their own palms were facing them. Caith took the knife and made a deep slice in between Tyler’s wrist and elbow. Blood ran down her arm thick and red. Caith handed her the knife and she did the same for him their eyes never leaving each other, almost daring the other to blink.

Don't forget Tyler's thoughts are in italics! And Translations for the phrases can be found at the bottom of the page. The phrase corresponds with the number after it. Or you can leave it to be a mystery like the stuff on Supernatural actually is!

“Et si nulla fides sit positum est sanguise effusus est.” *1 Tyler started her voice heavy and ringing. Both she and Caith had their heads back so it almost looked like they were looking to the heavens. By now the blood was dripping down their arms and starting to mix as it dripped off their elbows.

“Το δεσμευτικό αίμα αυτό θα είναι έως ότου μια έχει σπάσει τη σφραγίδα από.” *2 Caith said after her almost scaring the Winchesters. His voice was hollow and deep as he spoke his line. Then both looked towards each other saying something together.

“Venit tempus, debet signum!” *3 Tyler yelled at the same time as Caith yelled.

“Ο καιρός έχει έρθει, η σφραγίδα είναι συνδεδεμένη!” *3 Their voices mixing to form an eery wail that made the pool of blood between them smoke red and blue streaks. The smoke rose as they chanted the last line over and over again until it had wrapped around their twined hands until they glowed and exploded with bright light. Sam and Dean covered their eyes and barely a second later when the light died they looked to see Tyler and Caith glaring at each other.

“It is done.” Tyler said quietly before turning to the brothers. “Remember our deal. Take care of each other no matter what.” Then she walked into the mist and disappeared.


*1: Though blood has been spilt no trust has been placed.

*2: Binding blood it will be until the seal has been broken by one.

*3: Time has come, the seal is bound.

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