Chapter 22 Crocodile Tears and Spidey

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“Hello, we’re here to see if Caleb is here?” Tyler said to the secretary at the desk.

“And you are?” The woman asked staring Tyler down and observing her attire. Apparently the woman wasn’t fond of plaid flannel and t-shirts with jeans and sneakers.

“Name’s Taylor.” I noticed a light southern drawl to her words as she addressed the woman. “These are my colleagues. We’re here to talk to Caleb. I’m sorry we don’t have a last name but he said he needed to talk to us.” She shrugged and the woman just sat there staring at her.

“My name is Sam Heath.” Sam put his hand forward to introduce himself. The secretary looked at him and let her eyes wander over him before straying to Dean. She shook Sam’s hand but kept eyeing Dean.

“You can call me Nancy.” She answered straightening her jacket.

“Dean at your service, Nancy.” Dean grinned at her letting her name roll off his tongue. Sam rolled his eyes and Tyler tried her best not to laugh.

“Now what can I do to help you lovely folk?” She asked them all. She was clearly out of their age range but they could all tell she enjoyed pretending she was young if only for a second.

“We need to find a boy name Caleb. Do you have any school photos we could look through?” Tyler asked.

“Miss Taylor,” The secretary said slowly and Tyler nodded when she got her name right. “I’m not supposed to let complete strangers see students unless they are their parents. I can’t in good conscience let you leaf through a yearbook and find a student’s name!”

“Nancy, we just need to talk to the kid about what he saw at the lake.” Dean said leaning towards the woman. She looked at them with pity in her eyes, she was about to say no when Tyler interrupted her.

“Please Miss Nancy. It could be our big break. Our boss told us to get the story or we didn’t have to bother coming back. I just might be able to scratch out a living without this but they can’t.” Tyler looked at her pleadingly and added a few tears just for safety’s sake.

“Taylor stop. We can’t do that to Nancy.” Sam said putting a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll just have to explain it to the boss man and hope he forgives us.” Sam winced. Tyler turned to them with tears in her eyes.

“You know he won’t! He fired Peter for Jane’s mistake! He didn’t let the poor boy explain.” She shook her head. “You both know Jane threw James a fake storyline just to get him off her back. Peter never had a chance of running it down.” She shook her head and a tear dropped from her cheeks.

“Come on Tay, we survive we always do.” Dean said turning slowly to the woman in the corner who looked like she was close to tears herself. “I’m so sorry. She’s not usually like this. Thanks for your help Nancy. We’ll get going.” Dean turned but Nancy’s voice stopped him and all three of them had to hold in the smiles as they turned back.

“Wait! Dean, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt so long as you don’t talk to him on school grounds.” The secretary said turning her computer screen so we could see the pictures on it. “Just don’t tell anyone I did this.” She said with a small smile.

“Thank you Nancy. You’ve saved us.” Tyler smiled through her fake tears. Nancy nodded as a few pictures came up. She looked at us as we stared at the pictures. “That’s him.” Tyler pointed out the picture of our geek. Nancy looked and shrugged.

“His name is Caleb Alfonso. School let’s out at 2:30. It says here he rides bus twenty three.” She continued and then turned the screen around. “I hope you got everything you needed.” Clear dismissal.

“Thank you Nancy.” Dean said grabbing her hand and placing a chaste kiss on top. “I hope you have a good rest of the day.” He said sincerely.

“Yeah, umm thanks.” Sam added awkwardly. Tyler waved as they walked out the door and headed for the impala.

“I can never deal with secretaries like that for long.” Tyler huffed as Dean unlocked the car.

“I don’t know Ty, I thought she was a nice lady.” Dean grinned snarkily.

“Crocodile tears are not my favorite way to get the information I need.” She growled.

“Those were fake?” Sam asked with a chuckle, the sarcasm evident in his voice.

“No, Sam. We really work for the paper and James is our real boss. Jane is the bitch who gives three reporters one lead to run down on a non existent story.” Tyler shot back at him not missing a beat.

“Did you get those names from Spiderman?” Dean asked curiously. A light pink rose to Tyler’s cheeks and she rubbed the back of her head, her smile guilty.

“I like Spiderman.” She defended herself.

“What if the secretary had known about it?” Sam asked a bit more seriously.

“Sam, Mary Jane is Peter Parkers girlfriend. And Peter’s boss’ name is actually J. Jonah Jameson. Peter doesn’t write for the Bugle anyway. He takes pictures, mostly of Spiderman.” Tyler explained. Dean exploded in laughter and Sam chuckled. “There were enough differences that it was hardly noticeable.” She grumbled.

“Well we have an hour or so.” Sam said shaking his head with a grin. “So how about we find a comfortable spot to sit and make sure we catch the busses so we can follow Caleb home.”

“Spiderman would just hang from a web.” Tyler mumbled in the back and both boys broke into hysterics as Dean pulled the impala into a backstreet.

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