Chapter 29 Saving Them On Wings

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“TYLER!” Both boys screamed. The demon laughed when he heard them. Dean looked at it furiously.

“What did you do to her!” He yelled standing up a little straighter to glare at the demon.

“I did absolutely nothing. She’s choosing her own path.” Caith grinned at the boys.

“Where is she going?” Dean asked his voice low and intimidating but the demon only laughed.

“Where do you think boy? Well I must be going so I’ll be seeing you around!” Caith waved and Caleb opened his mouth dark smoke erupting out and vanishing into the fog. The boy Caleb collapsed and Sam sighed heavily.

“Damnit. Now he’s going to go take someone else.” Sam sighed running a hand through his hair and ruffling it to put it back in place. Making his way over to Caleb, Sam picked the boy up by an arm getting him to his feet as Caleb fought to stay up.

“What do you remember kid?” Dean says steadying with two hands on either of Caleb’s shoulders. The geek’s eyes start to tear up and he looks between Sam and Dean as if he’s trying to figure out which one of them is more sympathetic towards him.

“Please don’t hurt me! I’ll tell you everything I can!” He bawls suddenly tears starting to stream down his face as his breathing starts to get choppy and his sobs are interrupted by hiccups. Dean stares at Sam, eyes wide open and unsure of what to do with a crying teenage boy. Sam blinked but put a comforting hand on Caleb’s shoulder.

“It’ll... all be okay.” Sam said and patted the boys back. Almost instantly Caleb was wrapped around Sam’s middle. “Ah...” Once again Sam found himself patting the boy’s back as he tried to console him. Thankfully Dean was quiet, smirking but he wasn’t making any smart ass comments. “Look, umm... Caleb we aren’t going to hurt you. We just need to know where our friend went.” Sam finally manages to say when the boy had calmed down some.

“S-she’s in-n d-d-danger. Went t-to sav-ve the pr-prisoners.” He stutters before shuddering and beginning to sob again. “I want to go home!” He wails blubbering incoherently as he continues to speak, though clearly not to the boys.

“He’s in shock or somethin’.” Dean says shaking his head in disgust when Sam finally got Caleb off him and into the back seat of the impala.

“Dean, not everyone is made out to be a hunter. People live their whole lives not believing in the monsters under the bed. To find out that there are monsters everywhere has to be shocking.” Sam explains to Dean, though Sam is sure they’ve been through this before.

“I know Sammy. We have to go save those girls. The people that demon kidnapped are still out there.” Dean said gruffly heading towards the thick white fog that hadn’t moved.

“We can’t just leave him here.” Sam almost yells as Dean walks away from the boy in the back seat of the impala.

“Sammy, we’re not baby sitters or doctors. The best thing we can do is make sure the rest of the girls get out alive.” The older Winchester reasoned peeved. He knew how this was going to turn out and it wasn’t for the better.

“Fine.” Sam scowled but headed towards the fog with Dean in tow. They got to the edge of it and started to feel a small tug at their shoulders urging them on. They slowed down and stared around cautiously before going forward at a much slower pace.

“Sam do you hear that?” Dean whispered to his brother when they were about ten yards into the fog. Sam nodded and they raised their weapons. Suddenly a few people took shape and stumbled towards the brothers. As they got closer Sam and Dean could tell they were girls. “Want to bet those are our missing girls?” Dean grinned and slowly approached them.

“Excuse me Misses, can you tell us where you came from? Did a girl save you?” Sam asked politely but with a sense of urgency that he was sure the women would catch.

“Are you Sam and Dean Winchester?” A blonde girl asked. Sam took in her appearance. She had dirt on her face and was lacking in general hygiene as well as having signs of being abused. “Tyler sent us. She told us to find you.” The girl coughed but Sam and Dean made sure it wasn’t a demon before they put their guns down.

“Christo.” Dean said loudly. The girls looked at him like he was insane but none of them flinched or had black eyes.

“Yeah, we’re Sam and Dean. I’m Sam this is my brother. Come with us and we’ll get you to safety.” Sam said and Dean grunted. There were at least ten girls that the brothers were escorting to their car and they knew they’d eventually have to call the hospital for an ambulance or two.

“You asked about the girl Tyler?” The blondd one from earlier asked him. Sam nodded. “She’s back there with them.” She shuddered when a yell of pain pierced the night air.

Tyler was back with the demons. She was fighting her way through them after leading the horde of them away from Sam, Dean and the girls. A demon had grabbed her and she’d cut off his hand but not before the demon had broken her arm. She’d yelled her fury and pain and suddenly the demons had backed off and Tyler could feel something happening. Her skin felt like it was on fire for a second and she could hear her shirt ripping in the back, and she knew.

She could feel her wings heavy on her back and the muscles flexed spreading her feathers wide. On the edges of her vision she could see the pure white feathers at the end that gradually changed to pure black as the pure white and silky black intermixed in the middle. No feather was grey but near the top of her wings it almost looked it.

Her muscles tensed and she felt herself lift off the ground in a rush of air. Quickly she was up in the air and darting over the hill sides close to the ground. The chase would end eventually but Tyler couldn’t help but wonder if maybe she was going to tire before that as her new muscle began to tire and burn.

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