Chapter 18 Guessing Games

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“I’m fine!” Tyler yelled from inside the bathroom. Reality was she was freaking out. It happened so fast! She hadn’t had time to stop it.

“Come on Tyler we need to talk.” Sam said. Tyler panicked a little bit at that point.

“Great let me change and I’ll be out okay?” She said. grabbing a towel and wrapping in around her over her shirt, making sure it covered the tips of the wings.

“How the hell did you get clothes in there?” Sam asked as she opened the door. Both boys were standing at the door and jumped when she opened it.

“I didn’t. I’m going out to my car to get my bag.” Tyler said rushing out the door her shorts showing under the towel.

“I think something is wrong.” Sam said again.

“Nah really?” Dean said the sarcasm dripping from his voice.

“I think it has something to do with the tattoo or whatever the tattoo means. We were talking on the way here and she clammed up about it. Almost like she didn’t know it was there.” Sam didn’t know how right he was.

“What if it wasn’t?” Dean said sitting down on one of the beds.

“What? How could it not be there before?” Sam said. Dean shrugged but didn’t get to say anything else. Tyler opened the door and was dressed but this time in a long sleeve flannel and skinny jeans with boots. Underneath she had a worn college teeshirt. But as Dean could see she looked a bit frazzled.

“That thing was a golem.” Tyler said.

“Excuse me?” Dean wasn’t following. Sam wasn’t sure he was on the same track but he was faster than Dean catching that she was referring to the thing they fought.

“That thing was a golem. Controlled by a demon. I don’t know who. We’re back to square one.” She had her neutral tone back. “I think we should start with Caleb or anyone at the beach. If it’s there then we should be able to see recognition in it’s face. Or at least be able to test for it.”

“Woah, woah, woah.” This time it was Sam. “We need some answers here Ty.”

“And that’s what we’re looking for Sam.” Tyler answered sitting down on the couch.

“About you.” Dean said. “I know I may have overreacted-” Tyler scoffed at that but let Dean continue. “But you helped us back there. So I think we all need to lay everything on the table.”

“Alright Dean. I know everything about you two. Everything. You? You know nothing about me.” She said. But Dean recognized her response for what it was. A defense mechanism. Sam almost grinned as she fidgeted on the couch.

“We know quite a bit actually.” She looked at him her eyes flashing wide before she laughed.

“Do tell.” She leaned forward and put her head on her hand resting her elbow on her knee.

“You’re an excellent hunter.” Sam said and she shrugged. “You don’t drink.” She nodded confirming it.

“You had a troubled childhood. You’re afraid to disappoint people and at some point in life you let your mom, dad, sister and brother down. Your brother’s name was Nate and your sister was Sarah.” Her eyes widened a bit and she licked her lips looking a little nervous as the brothers continued.

“You worked with our dad and Bobby but they never mentioned you. Which means you’re either bad news or you asked them to not mention you.” Sam said and her lips became a thin line. “Guessing I hit the nail on the head with that one.” Sam smirked.

“You have some interest in us considering you saved us from the wendigo and the golem.” Dean said looking at her daring her to contradict him. She didn’t so he continued. “What we don’t know is what you are. You say you know everything about us so you know what we’ve been through.”

“I do.” She said. “I know Dean. I do but I don’t think you can handle this. I don’t want to have to watch my back for the rest of my time. I don’t want to have to worry about being hunted. My job is to help you hunters.” She said pulling her legs up into a lotus position on the couch.

“Sweetheart, whatever you are we’ve seen it before.” Dean said trying to play nice. Inside he was thinking that whatever she was they’d killed it before. After all there were very few things the Winchesters did not know how to kill.

“Great, so you know how to kill me and what to look for.” She said tension running through her limbs. Sam and Dean looked at her sizing her up again.

“As we’ve said before, you saved us. We won’t hunt you.” Sam said.

“No, you’ll just trap me for another hunter to take me down.” Tyler sneered. Every sentence was a test. Every sentence brought them one step closer to their final fate. Every sentence held an enormous weight. Every sentence either made or broke trust.

“Look we’ve trusted you so far. And while we didn’t give you much of a choice back at the forrest, you trusted us and you came out healthy and nothing bad happened. Letting you go, you’re asking us to trust you but trust is a two way street.” Sam said. All his previous anger was gone. Now he just wanted her to stay. He felt safe with her. Protected.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” She laughed.

“Try us.” Dean challenged.

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