Chapter 23 Super Bus

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"I didn't take you for a comic nerd." Dean smirked as a light blush covered Tyler's cheeks. Tyler just tried to shrug it off.

"So who's your favorite superhero?" Sam asked looking at her through the rearview mirror.

"Shouldn't we be watching for the bus?" She asked avoiding the question as she leaned forward between the seats to be more level with the boys.

"Nah, bus won't come until after the kids are out of school Ty." Dean grinned, then turned to look at her and lean with his back against the door. "So who's your favorite superhero?" He repeated Sam's question. Tyler looked at Sam almost pleading for him to save her.

"I'm just curious." He shrugged.

"I like Captain America." She shrugged but her cheeks got a bit redder. Dean cracked up and Sam looked at her a little surprised.

"Any reason why?" He asked her.

"Yeah, he's kinda like us. A regular guy that got saddled with helping the world and having super powers." She grinned. "Plus he's cute." Dean's eyes almost bugged out of his head.

"W-what!" He spluttered.

"You heard me Dean." Her smiled was one of those shit-eating-grins that people get when they're causing trouble. Sam saw exactly what she was doing and grinned trying to hold his laughter in. Dean looked at her and then looked at Sam before looking back at Tyler suspiciously and frowning.

"I would have thought it would be the Hulk if you're using that reasoning." Sam said looking at her curiously. She grinned and looked at Dean with a wink.

"He is my absolute favorite. Dr. Banner is almost exactly what we do but we hunt willingly while he tries to help people without making a mess. The Hulk isn't exactly mister subtle or gentle." She said sending Sam a sad smile.

"You lied to me!" Dean exclaimed suddenly. He had his arms crossed and Sam saw her grin again.

"Not completely. Cap is pretty hot. I mean have you seen him in his Captain America suit?" She whistled still playing with Dean. "And he's the perfect gentleman." She teased Dean again. Sam was grinning like a fool as his brother scowled.

"When does school get out Sam?" Dean grumbled out turning so he could see directly out the front windshield.

"Two thirty." Tyler said instead. "It's two. How about I go make sure that Caleb gets on his bus and you two stake out here and when I call you, you follow him home." "That's a great plan! Only one small flaw." Dean said dryly. "How will you get back to the motel room if we have the car?"

"I'll catch a ride obviously." Tyler huffed out. "I may even catch a ride to Mr. Alfonso's house and meet you there. Or beat you." She grinned getting out of the car.

"Wait Tyler!" Sam almost yelled out the window. She walked up to the window as Sam rolled it down. "Be careful. Don't get abducted. If the guy who's offering you a ride looks shady please don't catch a ride with him." Sam pleaded.

"You know I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." Tyler grinned at him. "Besides Sam, I'm a hunter. Until I've stabbed them with a silver blade and poured holy water on them they all look suspicious." With that she walked away and took up a post near where the school doors opened to let the students get the busses. She didn't look thrilled about where she was standing. Dean figured it had to be that all the students would be coming from those doors and splitting in two directions. So there was no way that she could see them all. There was the easy potential to miss a student, or Caleb.

"Do you think we should call her to stay in contact with her?" Sam asked suddenly as the boys watched her lay in the sun, her cover for being where she was.

"No, I think when she's ready she'll call us." Dean said easily. Both boys watched the clock and waited. Finally two thirty rolled around and kids started streaming towards the busses. There were also kids who headed towards cars. But the three hoped that Dean and Sam could spot Caleb if he was coming to a car. Then Dean's phone rang.

"Darcy, I see him. He's on the bus. It should be the fifth bus to pass you." Tyler said as soon as Dean picked up. Sam heard and let himself smile when Tyler called Dean, Darcy.

"Nice to know Ty." Dean snapped. Sam looked at him and couldn't wipe the grin off his face.

"Maybe I should have called Sam." Tyler said and Dean was about to respond when she hung up.

"Damn her." Dean griped. Predictably Sam's phone rang and Sam's grin got big as he answered.

"What's the ETA on the bus?" Sam asked Tyler.

"I'd say two minutes tops." She said. Dean watched her get up and start walking towards the parking lot. "I'm going to catch a ride and see what information I can grab."

"Be careful Ty." Sam said as goodbye.

"Don't worry Sammy, I'm a big girl." Tyler said as Dean was turning the key in the ignition of the impala and getting ready to follow the bus. Almost exactly two minutes later Dean and Sam spotted bus twenty-three.

"Pull out Dean." Sam said as soon as the bus had passed them.

"Yeah, I know I know." Dean grumbled. The boys ha been pretending to look for something so it wouldn't be suspicious that they were just sitting there. Nobody had paid them a second mind an they got between the busses easily enough. "Should we call Tyler and tell her we're following the bus?"  Dean looked at Sam.

"No, she's trying to catch a ride. Don't bother her. She'll call us when she can." Sam answered trying to figure out a good reason to follow the bus all the way through it's route that wasn't 'we're stalking one of the kids' just in case they got caught.

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