Chapter 14 Becoming A Habit

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“I-I you,” Tyler licked her lips and the boys waited patiently wary of her. “You shouldn’t have seen that.” Why the hell am I so nervous? Oh yeah nobody is supposed to freakin’ know!

“We kinda figured that.” Sam said gently trying to figure out how to best approach this.

“What are you?” Dean asked. “And don’t say you’re human because you aren’t.”

Suddenly it seemed like she put on her mask again because she stood up straight and looked the boys in the the eyes. “I am human and working with you was a mistake. Get out of town, I need to finish the job and you boys can’t do it.”

“There’s more than one job here.” Dean said looking at Tyler.

“Dean, we can’t just kill her!” Sam said quietly. “She said she’s human!”

“Sam are you not thinking straight? Did you not see what just happened?” Dean glared at Sam before pointing at Tyler. “That is not human.”

“You want inhuman Dean? You fucking want something inhuman? You don’t know what you’re asking for.” Tyler growled clenching her fists. I need to leave before I blow this. Sam’s told me where the demon will be. I can finish him off there. “I’ve had a change of heart Sam. We’re breaking up. I’d love to stay but I have a date with a demon. I hope I never see you again Winchesters.” She walked out the door again. But this time both boys were hot on her heels.

“Bipolar bitch.” Dean grunted as she sped away towards the lake. “We have to go kill both of them.” Dean said getting into the Impala.

“Dean she saved us! We can’t kill her.” Sam looked at Dean slightly miffed that Dean didn’t see that Tyler was a person just like Sam. Or so he hoped.

“How do you know she won’t turn on us?” Dean said. He hated this as much as Sam did but they both knew that they did the job that nobody wanted to do. They hunted the things that went bump in the night and they got rid of them. “She could be leading us into a trap right now!”

“Dean think about this! She didn’t even want us to come! She told us to leave town. She’s going to take on that beast without even knowing if it really is what we think it is. She doesn’t know how to kill it but she’s going to try anyway! She saved us from the wendigo and got us down the mountain! She had plenty of chances to kill us. But she didn’t.” Sam argued with Dean as they got closer to the lake.

“But we took care of her and she just left. She’s hiding something from us Sam. I don’t trust her.” Dean said turning off the headlight to the Impala as they were getting close to the lake and preferred if they weren’t seen.

“Well we don’t know much about her Dean. You remember that dream she had. There’s a bigger backstory there.” Sam said watching her as they sat in the Impala. She sat on the lakeside crying.

“Shut up Sam your creepy geek just arrived.” Dean said as they watched Caleb walk up to her. She lifted her head up and wiped her eyes. Caleb bent down and sat beside her. They talked and she put her head on his shoulder. Sam could see her shoulders shake and Caleb put his arm around her trying to comfort her.

“Sam do you see that bubble on the lake?” Dean called Sam out of his thoughts as he pointed to the center of the lake.

“What?” Sam said looking out to the lake. Panic rose in his throat as the bubble got bigger and started to move towards the lake edge where Tyler and Caleb were. “Dean, what if we were wrong and Caleb isn’t calling the demon and it thinks they’re on a date?”

“Aww shit...” Dean said opening the door and running for the trunk of the Impala. Sam followed shortly after as the two grabbed what they could and ran towards the beach. “Sam!” Dean yelled as they neared the beach where the thing was rising out of the water.

“That’s not a demon Dean!” Sam yelled as Tyler threw Caleb behind her.

“I know Sam!” Dean yelled as he shot at it. Tyler turned to see them her face showing surprise and then some anger. The boys kept running.

“Caleb! Run!” Sam yelled to the boy who was probably peeing his pants. “Tyler get back!” Caleb headed Sam’s warning and ran like a bat out of hell tripping and falling over his own feet as he looked back at the monster. Tyler however turned back towards the thing and started yelling.

“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size you son of a bitch!” The monster turned towards her and she stared at it.

“What the hell is she yelling? It is at least twice her size!” Dean steamed at Sam as they ran shooting and reloading before finally getting within a good distance of the thing. That’s when the thing and Tyler ran at each other.

“No!” Sam felt himself screaming as Tyler launched herself at the big dark shape. Previously Sam hadn’t been able to see any of the creature other than a lumpy human shape that was nearly fourteen feet tall. But as she jumped the thing long bulky arms shot out at her in the middle of her flight.

Maybe I am in over my head. Tyler thought as she flew through the air hoping she could distract the thing enough to give Sam and Dean time. Saving you damn Winchesters is becoming a habit. Damnit.

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