A Private Jet And A Sad Goodbye

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''Are you taking any pictures with you? We have extra frames in my study.'' My mom mentions, helping me pack all my art equipment into boxes. I think about it, walking into my room with a box of brushes. My whole life is in this room, and it's now conveniently packed in boxes of all shapes and sizes.

''I have photos with frames, so I won't be needing more. I already have a picture of you, me and daddy.'' I say, marking the box with a permanent marker. I sit down on my empty bed, and my mom comes to join me. She puts her arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to her.

''Are you sure you're okay with this?'' She asks, eyebrows raised.

''Shouldn't I ask you that question?'' I laugh, and she chuckles too.

''I sure am going to miss you, but it's time you go live, you know? Besides, now I can bring all my boyfriends home.'' My mother says nonchalantly, and I nearly fall off my bed of laughing. I'm going to miss her.

''Just don't get pregnant, everyone is going to think it's mine.'' I giggle, getting up to pack Senna's leash and toys.

''When are you leaving?'' She asks, double checking my wardrobe for clothes.

''Max said he'll be back from Austria tonight, but the van is coming in two hours to get my stuff. They'll load it into Max's jet, and then we fly to Monaco.'' The words still sound so unreal.

Before Max left for Austria, he asked me to move in with him, and I was so freaking happy. But now the fears are settling in; this is the biggest choice I have ever made. Hopefully I won't regret it.

''I have to go to work, but I'll be back before you leave. Let me know if you need anything okay?'' My mom says, walking to the bedroom door.

''I will, have fun, and make good choices!'' I yell as she disappears into the hall.

Once again I'm left alone with my thoughts.

I decide to phone Ben to ask if he can deliver Senna's passport before tonight.

''Ahoy Ally, what's up.'' I hear him clearly.

''Hey Ben, nothing much. I'm just finishing up the packing. Hey, could you maybe bring Senna's passport if your dad is finished with it?'' I plead, whilst throwing Senna's bowl in a box.

''Yea, I'm on it, I'll drop it of in an hour, yea?'' He says and I'm relieved. One less thing to do.

''Thanks Benno, see you in a bit.'' I say, and I hang up. I'm so glad things are back to normal after our little misunderstanding.

I put my phone down, heading out to the room only to stop in front of my dad's old study. Everything in this house has memories. I'm leaving the one safe space that I truly know I can trust. And it's really hard, because I have known nothing else but this old, beautiful house. My fingers trace an old photograph of me and my dad playing together in the front yard, we were making mudcakes, and mine always won.

I smile, wishing he could be here right now, telling me everything would be okay. I miss him so damn much.

I hear my phone buzz on my empty desk, it's probably Max checking in.

Max: Hi Miss Ally

Max: All packed up yet?

Max: We are leaving for the airport in a bit, see you soon xx

Ally: I haven't packed. decided I'm not going.

Max: what

Max: ally is everything okay

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