A Trip Back Home And An Emergency

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After Spain, I decided some off time at my dad's house in Belgium was in order. Ally and I packed our stuff, and even brought the dogs for a change, thinking they might like having a weekend at Zandvoort's endless grounds.

Currently my dad and I were sitting in the lounge, talking about Red Bull's season, and in the corner of my eye, I could see Ally playing outside with Blue Jaye. She looked so natural, as if it's something she does everyday.

"You're not listening anymore," my dad states with a smile, pulling me back to our conversation.

"I'm sorry, dad... What were you saying?" I ask, focusing back on my dad sitting across from me.

"Is Ally distracting you? Or is your old man just too boring now?" My dad jokes, and we both let out a chuckle.

"Just look at her dad! Even though she and Blue can't understand each other, she still makes Blue laugh and they have fun. She has that natural mother thing, you know?" I say, smiling at my beautiful fiancé.

Every two minutes Blue Jaye will bring her a flower and simple say "Bloem!", and Ally will give her a kiss on the hand whilst adding the flower to the bunch she already has. This has been going on for at least half an hour.

"That's true son. I think Allison will make a wonderful mother for your children. By the way... Have the two of you decided on names yet?" My dad ask curiously, as if he is too scared to ask.

"Actually we have!" Ally's voice sounds from right behind me. I turn around to see her with Blue Jaye on her hip.

"Is it fine for you to carry Blue like that?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow but she ignores me.

"Since we are having a boy and a girl, we thought the boy should be Lian. And the girl should be Emmie," She finishes leaving Jos with an impressed smile.

"Lian as in "Emilian", and Emmie as in "Emma" and "Sophie"? I like it, I like it a lot." My dad grins at Ally, leaving me to just roll my eyes.

"As you can clearly see, Max is not a fan, but he'll just have to get over it," Ally giggles before kissing my cheek.

"I really like the name "Rover" for a boy, and "Felene" for a girl. But Ally doesn't want to know anything about them." I wink, and she fakes a hurt look.

"I said I'll put that on the "maybe" list!" She tries to defend herself.

"You mean the "Never-in-a-million-years" list?"

She blushes.

"I didn't say anything! Now if you gentlemen will excuse us, Blue Jaye and I have some baking to do!"

She apparently promised to bake bunny cookies for Blue, so the two of them disappeared into the kitchen promptly, leaving my dad and I alone once again.

"Have I told you that your girlfriend is really nice?" My dad smiles, picking up a book next to him, turning the pages until he finds what he's looking for. He starts reading it, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

And of course, the only thing on my mind except for Ally, is racing. This weekend is the Jumbo Racedagen at the Zandvoort Circuit in Holland. Home track, so we are expecting many, many fans. But it's the only time I'm in the RB13 without be in under intense pressure from all sides, and in a way, that calms me down a fair bit.

And this year I have Ally by my side, and even she has built up quite the fandom, so it will be interesting to see her in action for the first time... As long as it doesn't put any unnecessary...

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted when I hear Blue Jaye crying from the kitchen. Ally seems to be struggling with her, because after a few seconds she's still crying.

"Maybe she's tired, I'll go check!" I say whilst jumping up towards the kitchen.

I walk inside, and instantly my heart stops beating.

Blue is perched on top of the kitchen counter, bawling her eyes out. On the floor lies a bowl of pink batter, the bowl overturned... There is no sign of Ally, and the backdoor is wide open. What is happening?

"Blue, where is Ally?" I ask my little sister softly, carrying her into the living room to my dad, who's face is slowly turning pale.

"There was noise outside, Ally looked Maxie! She screamed, but she stops. Where is Ally?" My little sister wails, her big eyes filling with tears.

"Dad, take Blue, I'm going out to look for her."

I scoop my baby sister into my dad's lap, and almost run out of the house, to the backyard where Blue Jaye last saw Ally.

"What's going on?" Victoria asks from the front door, just returning from shopping.

"Ally's gone missing. Blue says she heard something outside and then screamed. Something's not right!" I practically yell, looking both ways down the road.

"Oh my god, this sketchy black van just sped past me in the road, from the direction of the house... You don't think..." She implies, but not one of us dares say it.

My heart goes cold as I see something wet in the grass a few metres from me.

"I don't think, I know." I sink in my knees, and Victoria rushes to my side, gasping in horror when she sees it too.

A huge pool of blood, seeping into our grass.

"Max we need to call the police, now. She can't lose that much blood, she is pregnant with twins." She says in a state of rationality. She whips out her phone, quickly punching in the emergency number.

"Hi, yes we have an emergency. I'd like to report a kidnapping. Possible murder."


Plot twist! And all this drama before the Jumbo Racedagen, would Max be able to perform 100% with Ally being kidnapped? I sure as hell won't!

Thanks for the votes and comments, have an amazing weekend (even the readers who are going to the Racedagen on Saturday or Sunday) x

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