A Quali And A DNF

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"Spa spa spa spaaaaaaain!" I yell out for seemingly the hundredth time today, and it was only 11:34.

"Ally, so help me I will throw you out of this car if you say that one more time," Victoria threatens with a glare.

"You're just hating because you know deep down inside that it's catchy."

She sighs and slaps Max who has been busy on snapchat.

"Talk to your girlfriend!" She pleads.

"AHEM, it's fiancé now," I say while lifting my hand in the air so she can notice my ring... Again.

"Ally, seriously are you on a sugar rush or something?" Max laughs, taking my ring hand into his.

"I've never been to Spain, shut up," I say, trying my best sad face. Max just grins and gives me little kisses all over my face.

"You have to stop, Victoria is capable of murder," he smiles sweetly, and Victoria makes a violent stabbing movement.

"Victoria you can't murder me, we have to sit together during quali and the main race," I point out matter-of-factly, and she just shakes her head.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Max who is already busy on snapchat again.

"No, I'm just mentally preparing myself for a reality check."

"I don't understand..." I say, trying my best not to sound confused.

"Last year's win was great, but the RB13 isn't in the same league as the Mercedes and the Ferrari's this year. I'll try my best, but I don't think winning is in the cards this time." He says, his eyes focused on mine.

"So what do you expect from quali?"

"Nothing below P6. The teams have grouped all season now, and us Bulls are usually P5 of P6, which isn't that bad."

The car comes to a halt, signalling that we have arrived at the track. Just as we get out of the car, Jos meets us, and we all walk to the garage. Max immediately disappears, busy with prepping and race tactics, things I don't know anything about.

I sit down on one of the chairs next to the big screen where we watch the qualification laps, taking my phone out to text Dan.

Ally: Are u here yet

Daniel: are u lonely

Ally: max is busy with the tech team, are u done

"Yeah, I just finished," Daniel's voice sounds next to mine as he sits down beside me.

"How did you know I was sitting here?" I ask smiling.

"You're never far away from Max, and his garage is right over there, so I was going on a hunch.

"Am I that easy to read?" I ask, staring back at Max's garage.

"No, I just know you." He winks and we both chuckle.

"You think I can pull off being a racing wife?" I ask him with serious tone, and his eyes widen.

"Is that an actual thing?"

I shrug.

"I do you think I'm asking you?" I smile slightly.

"Nico's wife isn't a 'racing wife'. And Daniil's girlfriend isn't a racing girl either. They just occasionally come to races and act happy about it," Daniel explains with odd hand gestures, causing me to let out a string of giggles.

"Besides, you're an artist, you'll never be into racing enough to be classed as a 'racing' - anything!" He adds with a smirk.

"That's mean Dan!"

"But it's also true Als. And you shouldn't let people classify you by the profession of your boyfriend."

"AHEM, it's fiancé now!" I chuckle, dangling my hand in his face so he sees the ring.

"How could any of us ever forget?" He laughs, slapping my hand back to my side. Just then, Max appears in the doorway of his garage, looking at Daniel and I.

"Ally was just reminding me that she's getting married," Dan snickers before getting up to give me and Max some space. Max quickly takes his place next to me, taking my hand in his.

"Mrs Verstappen." He greets as he kisses me softly on the lips.

"Mr Verstappen, fancy seeing you here," I mumble in between his sweet kisses.

"I came to see my girl ofcourse. Isn't she just stunning," he says as he gazes out towards the RB13 parked neatly in his team garage.

"Remind me why I date you?" I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"Because you can't live without me," Max answers instantly, getting up and pulling me to my feet.

"Quali is going to start now, I'll see you after?"

I grin, resting my hands on the sides of his face.

"I'll be watching you. Good luck my love, you got this!" I say cheerfully.

I just wish my luck was enough.


"Max, it's not that bad..." I say in my best soothing voice, trying to calm Max down.

"I'm not mad Ally."

"But you're emotional and it makes me sad and then you're even more sad and I don't want to cry in front of your pilot," I try to explain with my voice breaking at the end. The pilot just scoffs, but doesn't say anything. I shove the cockpit's door closed so Max and I have more privacy.

"Last time, I made history on this track. This year, I was off within the first lap. Not that I was expecting much, but I wasn't expecting a DNF."

A moment of silence passes.

"What's a DNF again?" I ask quietly, trying not to make the situation worse. Max throws his head back, stuffing a pillow over his face. Even with the pillow, I can hear him let out a sigh.

"Look babe, I'm really trying to make you feel better, but I'm running out of ideas."

He sits still for a while, and after a few seconds, he lowers the pillow to reveal his blue eyes fixed on mine.

"Am I upsetting you?" He asks quietly, his face slightly concerned.

"Max, I just need you to tell me what to do. What do I do when you're like this?!" I sigh, throwing my hands in the air, Letting them fall to my sides.

He puts the pillow away, and pulls me into his lap. His arms lock around my waist with his head resting on my chest, not saying a word.

"Have I ever told you that your heartbeat calms me when I can't fall asleep?" Max suddenly says, leaving me speechless.

"Sometimes when I can't sleep, I just listen to your slow and steady heartbeat. It's like a beat to a song that was made just for me," he murmurs quietly, still holding me close.

"So you want to listen to my heart?" I ask, feeling a smile spread on my lips.

"Well yes, it belongs to me anyways," he says cheekily, grinning widely.

"Feeling better yet?" I dare to ask.

"You make everything better, Allison."


Guys, Max and Ally are goals. I wish my love life was this good :).

So I almost have 6K reads on this book... Thank you all!

When I started, it was just meant as a little fun for myself, but I really started shipping Ally and Max (I hope you do too!).  We still have a lot more adventures with this soon to be married couple, I promise.

Have a lovely week xx

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