A Bad Kiss And A Locked Door

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After the chaos at the beach, Daniel stayed over at our place, probably in an effort to help Max calm me down. I wasn't reacting hysterically, instead I stayed silent and kept playing the scene off in my head. This definitely freaked the boys out even more.

After asking me a billion times if i'm okay, they finally stopped and I went straight to bed, trying desperately to forget what happened. Luckily I was exhausted, and sleep came quick, but my dreams were filled with camera flashes, hands grabbing at me from all directions. I felt exposed, and I tried to get away from them, calling out to Max.

I woke up with a start, feeling my heart race out of my chest. It was just a dream, I think to myself, laying back against the pillows. It was already light outside, but Max was still fast asleep next to me, a cute smile on his lips. He looks peaceful so I decide not to wake him up, instead I head to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

When I round the corner I see Dan stretched out on our couch, watching an episode of Friends. They make a joke and he gives out a low chuckle, a wide grin appearing on his face.

"Good morning Honey Badger," I greet him softly, preparing two cups of coffee. He looks over at me, smiling happily.

"Coffee for me?"

"I thought you could use some. Especially after you stayed to try and help me."

His smile fades slightly, replaced with a tinge of worry.

"How are you feeling?" His voice was low and full of concern. Secretly, I was glad that I can talk to someone other than Max. I love Max with all of my heart, but I need someone who won't treat me as their girlfriend.

"I'm okay, just shook. I never experienced anything like that." I sigh, sitting down next to him.

"The papz are always on their worst when love is involved. I'm just glad I got there when I did."

"You and me both, I was afraid Max would rip my arm off at the speed he was running home." I roll my eyes, a small grin stuck to my lips.

Daniel stays silent for a second, staring out to the ocean.

"You ever thought of life without him?" He asks suddenly, almost causing me to spit my coffee over myself.



I think about it for a second, slowly shaking my head.

"I have no clue actually. I've been with Max for almost a year now, dating officially for nine months. But honestly, I can't remember a time where Max wasn't around. From day one, he was stuck in my life, and I didn't bother thinking about it without him. In essence, he's my life now." I say honestly, smiling at how grown up I sound. Daniel nods his head, staring down at the empty coffee cup in his hands.

"Before Max, was there someone else?" He asks with inquisitive eyes.

"Believe it or not Ricciardo, I was the shy girl at school. I had a boyfriend once, but only for a month, he was failing class and I helped him with studying. He left me soon after."

Daniel's eyes are wide with apparent shock.

"It's finished high school when I was sixteen, so I was probably a bit young though. In art school no one noticed me, because artists don't date other artists, it's just bad luck!" I'm joke causing him to crack out his signature grin. We laugh it out, and stay in silence for another few moments.

"You're a great girl Ally-o. Sometimes I wonder if Max knows how lucky he is." Daniel mumbles, not looking me in the eyes.

"I don't know, I'm not all that great. Max could do tons better, even I have seen the grid girls trailing you guys around." I scoff, shaking my head.

Daniel looks up at me now, his cocoa brown eyes piercing mine.

"Yeah but their beauty only runs skin deep. You radiate grace and beauty. You are every man's dream..." He trails off, resting his head on my shoulder. I smell the spicy fragrance clinging to his skin, it almost intoxicates me. Everything started spinning, moving in extra slow motion.

I look down at him, and suddenly he is leaning in, placing his warm lips on my frozen ones.

I'm paralyzed.

I places his palm against my cheek, and at that moment I snap out of my daze. I shove him away, trying to get as far away as possible. My hand flies up to my mouth, covering may horrified expression.

"Ally, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I don't know..." He tries to apologize, but I shake my head violently.

"Daniel, you need to leave." Max's strong voice sounds from the hallway. My head snaps towards him, seeing him casually leaning against the wall.

"Now." He threatens.

Daniel shoots me an apologetical glance, and quickly disappears through the door, leaving Max and I in silence. I could feel the tension in the air, breaking my heart to tiny pieces.

I ran past Max, shrugged out of his grip as he tried to stop me, and headed straight for the bathroom, locking myself inside. I sank down against the door, tears streaming like rivers out of my eyes, but no sounds escaping my clammed up throat.

I never meant to lead Daniel on, I just wanted us to be friends. Now my boyfriend, who I love more than life itself, thinks I'm a cheater. I'm not like that, but how can I tell him that even though he saw me kissing another guy, it's not what it seems?

I hear his soft footsteps in front of the locked door followed by the sound of him knocking quietly.

"Allison get out of there, this isn't necessary." He speaks calmly,

What should I say?!

I'm expecting his child, another man just kissed me, but it's not my fault, I know I'm a good person and I only love Max.

"I'm not a cheater!" I yell through the door, cringing at how stupid I sound.

I can hear him sigh at the other side.

"Did I say you are?"

"You were thinking it." I say bitterly.

"Sweetheart, get out here, I saw and heard the whole thing, I know he came onto you." Max says reassuringly, causing my heart to break even more. I let out a loud sob, followed by a bunch or tears. My hormones are crazy, and the situation was definitely not helping.

"Babe, please don't cry. I want to hold you, open the door." He softly urges, and I follow his instructions. I slowly unlock the door, opening it. He faces me with a sad smile, immediately taking me into his arms. I sob even harder.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." I sob against his warm chest, smelling his familiar cologne.

"Ally it's not your fault. I'm not mad at you, but I will need to have a talk with Dan, but I'm not going to kill him, I promise." He reassures me, stroking my hair softly. We sit in the doorway of the bathroom for a few minutes until I finally calm down.

"He had a point you know," Max whispers, and I pull myself up to look at his face.

"I do know how lucky I am. And you do radiate grace and beauty. But you also radiate kindness, intelligence, and love. You are one in a billion, and I intend of keeping you in my life for quite a while," He finishes off while tucking a stray curl behind my ear.

"I really do love you Allison, with all of my heart."


A.N Anybody feeling it for Daniel and Ally? Will Max bash Dan's face in, just soft enough to keep him alive? Who knows, literally only time can tell :D

Alsooo, do we want the baby to be a Boy or Girl? Comment and let me know!!

Have a wonderful day x

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