A Doctor And A Shock

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My hands nervously fiddle with the keys of my car. It's still early morning, but I'm already dressed and ready to go; partially because of morning sickness and partially because today is our appointment at the ObGyn.

Picasso is snuggled in my lap with Senna right on my feet, keeping me company in the silent apartment. Max is on his way back from training with Jake, and then we leave for the doctor.

The doctor will tell me what is growing inside of me.

My mind wanders to the possibility of having a boy or a girl, and I catch myself smiling absentmindedly. Jos hinted at a boy, and I'm pretty sure Max agrees with him. But Victoria literally prayed for it to be a girl, and somewhere deep down, I hoped she was right.

I didn't want to get my hopes up, but my mom once said her morning sickness was the worst when she was expecting me, because if it's a girl it gets pretty bad. And I know for a fact my morning sickness has been out of hand lately, so maybe that means...


I get up abruptly, causing Picasso to yelp as she plops onto the ground.

"Oh, sorry my lovely," I say while biting my tongue. I quickly move to the kitchen, slamming the keys down on the counter, trying to steady my uneven breathing.

"Is everything okay...?" I hear Max's uncertain voice from the front door. I spin around, almost losing my balance. This earns a chuckle from Max.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But I need you to get your ass in the shower so we can go!" I almost yell while I try to push him in the direction of our bathroom.

"You look so beautiful today," he comments casually, taking the wind out of my sails. I stare at him, a blush creeping into my cheeks.

"I'll never understand you..." I sigh at him as he pulls me closer to his chest, calming my heart instantly.

"What do you mean?" he asks softly, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm getting fat, and I can't wear my crop to anymore and I'm tired and sick, I look like crap more than I feel like it!" I giggle, and he laughs with me.

"You only say that because you don't see yourself through my eyes. You're my girl, the mother of my child, my love forever," he smiles sweetly.

How can you not love someone like him?

He kisses me on my cheek, and grabs fresh clothes from his wardrobe.

"I showered at the gym so we could leave sooner," he explained as I eyed his dirty clothes. He shrugged on a dark blue shirt with a light grey red bull hoodie. His jeans were blue, and his sneakers black as usual. We walked hand in hand to the kitchen where he grabbed my car keys before walking out the door.

His car is too easy to recognize, and we don't want the whole paparazzi pack at the doctor with us. I'm not yet accustomed to the celebrity life, but Max was smart about things like this.

The drive to the ObGyn was quick, and filled with music of Max's choosing. Luckily for me, we listened to Martin's music instead of Lil Kleine.

"When is Martin coming around?" I ask just as we pull up to the parking lot.

"He said he's visiting home for Kingsday, so after the grand prix we might make a stop in Amsterdam to see him," he says casually. I nod before hopping out of my seat and onto the ground. Max quickly walks around the car, taking my hand in his.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask.

"Are you?"

"Touché," I smile at him.

We walk through the glass doors, greeted by the friendly face of the receptionist.

"Hi, you must be our 11:15. Mr and Mrs Verstappen?" The young girl asks.

"Something like that." I smile, squeezing Max's hand.

"Dr Wegher is ready for you, just head through those doors," She points out. We nod our heads, and follow in the direction she pointed at.

We walk into a cozy exam room, clearly belonging to an ObGyn. Behind the desk was a friendly looking doctor, smiling up at us.

"Hi, I'm Dr Elke Wegher. You must be Allison... And Max. Please sit down," She gestured to us, and we gladly took the offer. My knees were weak with anticipation.

"So, my appointment says you're here to find out the gender of your growing bundle of joy."

We both nod.

"This is your third appointment?"

Max and I look at each other.

"Uh, it's our first."

She takes off her glasses, mouth hanging open.

"Oh my god, we need to do an exam ASAP. It says here on your medical records you had a scare with a stab wound, we have to make sure the baby has developed fine."

Suddenly,my heart didn't want to beat, and my legs turned to lead. She gestured to the exam table, and I tried my best to get there as fast as I can, but it felt like hours. Have I harmed our baby because of my own ignorance?

I lie down, with Max standing at my side. His hand is squeezing mind, reminding me to breath like a normal person. The doctor squirted a glob of cold gel on my swollen belly, and I gasped of the sudden cold.

"Sorry, I usually warn them about the cold liquid. Okay, so we are going to listen for a heartbeat now. It's a fast beat, almost like the fluttering of wings," She smiles reassuringly, probably sensing our fear.

I feel Max's hand clenching mine, and at the last second I shut my eyes tight.

Then I hear it.

Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump.

"Oh my..." Max whispers, his grip softening a little.

"Well let me just make sure..." Dr Elke said, and I opened my eye to peek at the computer screen. Everything was a grayish mess, and it took me a few seconds before my eyes could comprehend what they were seeing.

It couldn't be...?

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Verstappen, you are expecting twins!" Dr Elke exclaims, causing Max to fall back into his chair.

"And it's still a bit early to tell, but it looks like a mixed pair," She adds casually.

"What does that mean, doctor?" I ask, still dumbfounded by the newest information.

"Oh, it means you're expecting a boy and a girl."


A.N Ah yes, twins. A Max junior and an Ally junior :) whose excited for that adventure?? Alsoo, if you have name ideas, please drop them in the comments x

Have a great week x

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