A Confession And A Kick

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"And now for the final touches..." I mutter under my breath as I hang the watercolor painting over the crib.

"You started calling it 'final touches' three hours ago babe, there is only so much you can fit in a nursery," Max pipes from the side, with a lazy grin on his face. I throw a fluffy teddy bear to his head but instantly regrets it as my back shoots pain up my neck. Trying to ignore it, I just close my eyes briefly.

"Sweetheart, is everything okay?" Max asks in a concerned tone,

I wave it off, easing slowly into the armchair next to the crib.

"Ofcourse, my back is just a little cranky because of the 8 pounds of humans in my stomach," I sigh, trying my best not to be rude.

"Maybe I should ask Jake to come and take a look? Maybe the pain you're feeling is unnecessary..." Max suggests cautiously.

"Thank, but no thanks. Jake is your trainer Max, he doesn't have a lot of experience with pregnant women now does he?!" I squint my eyes at Max, and of course he finds this hilarious. I shrug it off.

"Besides, when we see the doctor later today, I'll ask him to check it out."

Max's laughter dried up within seconds, a look of doubt followed by guilt crossing his face.

"Please please PLEASE tell me you didn't forget. Tell me you didn't forget our second to last doctors appointment..." I mumble, feeling a headache join my pain party. Today was not the best day for Max to forget the big stuff.

"What time was it again?" He asks sincerely, whipping out his phone to check our joint schedule.

"It's at 14:30, that's in two three hours time." I shake my heart dis approvingly.

A moment of silence sounds, followed by a deep breath from Max. The deep breath he usually takes before he has to apologize.

"Okay, sweetheart I'm sorry, I have training at the gym with Jake..." he starts apologizing profusely. I shut my eyes, and within seconds, his apology turns to a mere mumble.

"Max, stop apologizing. I'm not mad. I'm tired and grumpy, but not mad. I can take care of myself just fine, and I'm not going to make you choose between your career and me. You go train, and maybe you could even still catch the last bit of the appointment," I suggest, trying my best to keep the smile on my face.

I pull myself up, walking to the door of the new nursery, but Max stays leaning against the wall where I left him.

"Are you coming?" I ask him softly.

"Ally, I am tired of you having to go through this alone!" He bursts out, completely ignoring my question.

"I'm not following?"

He sighs.

"I'm tired of seeing you taking care of everything by yourself! You make it so easy for me, allowing me to do my job and follow my dream, while you give up yours to help me build my future!" he exclaims, banging his left fist against the wall.

"Excuse me, I just finished painting that wall, get your hands off it. Secondly, love is all about making sacrifices, Max. You of all people should know that. If you told me today that you needed my hands to help you with your future, I would give them to you without thinking twice, even if it means I can't paint again. I would suffer through this again and again, as long as it means you are happy," I explain, stepping closer to cup his face with my hands.

"Even though I hurt all over and I want to cry all day, doesn't mean I'm not happy. I'm happy when you are, and you are most happy in the seat of a racing car. I want you to be happy. Let me let you be happy..." I whisper as I lay my head against his chest. He folds his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"I'm sorry about the wall..." He murmurs in a low voice.

"You're forgiven," I state simply.

"Baby, I never thank you for everything you do for me you know? We met when we were so young, and I was still making my debut in F1. Now I'm working my ass off for a season that's heading nowhere, and you're so gracious and understanding when you should be mad and grumpy. You've been stabbed, kidnapped and you even ran away, but not once did you make me choose between the things I love. But you know I love you the most right? I'd choose you over racing any day."

He kisses my cheek, making the butterflies flutter in my belly. Or was that the twins?

"Uh, Max... Do you want to say hello to our babies?" I ask excitedly.

"What do you mean?" He asks, completely mystified by my sudden change of mood.

"Here, quickly give me your hand!" I squeal, grabbing it before he really tries to reach out. I place it firm on my bulging baby bump, right on the spot where the twins are currently playing some football.

Max's eyes sparkle like a blue sky, clouded with amazement.

"Oh, I can feel them kicking... I can feel our tiny miracles! Hello babies, it's your daddy... I can't wait to see you this afternoon on the ultrasound..." Max coo's, winking up at me.

"Wait, does that mean...?" I start to ask.

"That I won't be missing any important dates and appointments from here in out, yes," he grins, standing back up. He leads me out of the nursery, and before he closes the door, we look at it one more time.

"You think they'll like it?" I ask him.

"Oh yes, it's very neutral... It's very you," he jokes, walking in the direction of the kitchen.  I turn my head towards the new room.

We did good on this one.

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