A Mob And A Bigger Question

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''What do you mean I can't stay in my pyjamas the whole day?!'' I ask, throwing a scatter pillow at Max's head.

He swiftly catches it, throwing it right back at me, hitting the side of my head. I fall back on his bed, covering my face with the pillow, letting out a scream.

''Allison Carling, you have not left this house in three days, you are going to die of some sort of inside illness!'' Max laughs, pulling the covers from my body. I sigh audibly.

''Let's just go out, walk on the beach, maybe get something to eat. We can come home straight after. Just get out for a bit.'' He pleads, taking my hand in his, kissing each of my knuckles. I stare at him from beyond the pillow, quickly giving in to his pleading eyes.

''Fiiiiiiine. Fine.'' I throw my hands up in the air, giggling at him.

''Well let's get going! Senna can't wait anymore.'' Max says, pointing at the old boy curiously looking over at the two of us.

''Okay, hold up. I'm not going anywhere in my pyjamas!'' I comment, walking to my very unused room. Max follows me, standing in the doorway.

''I'm undressing, no watching!'' I laugh, and he just turns around.

''I know this great little place, the sell amazing ice cream. We should maybe go there.'' Max hints, still facing away from me.

I put on a black bikini with a loose jean short and an one of Max's old sweaters. I slip on flip-flops, and tap Max's shoulder.

''Okay Eager-Beaver. Let's go.'' I say, putting my sunglasses on, giving Senna's leash to Max. He puts it on Senna, who is so excited about the overdue walk he's getting.

''You know, Monaco is kind of pretty. In a really rich way.'' I comment, taking Max's hand in mine.

''Oh, you secretly love it. This is the perfect place to start with your painting again.''

I scoff.

''By the way, just a random question between two people who live together, love each other, and still aren't dating... Why aren't you studying?'' Max asks with his curios smile.

''Why aren't you studying, Verstappen?'' I ask grinning.

''I actually have a full time job. But maybe in the future, though. Stop dodging and answer the question!'' He exclaims.

''I finished college last year.''

Max almost fell over is own feet.

''But you're nineteen?!'' He practically yells.

''Ugh, if you MUST know, I finished high school at 16. I went to Art School, so no surprise there.'' I say, blushing wildly.

''My god, I'm dating a super smart, super beautiful, and sometimes super grumpy girl.'' He laughs, and I giggle along.

''We aren't dating, Dutchman.'' I wink at him.

We arrive at a small but vintage looking storefront, the words: ''Viv's Creamery'' on the front window.

''This is actually Nico's wife's place.'' Max remarks, and I don't follow.

''Who is Nico?'' I ask, feeling slightly stupid. Max orders two custard and Pecan ice cream cones, before explaing.

''He is last year's champion. He retired though. Really nice guy.'' Max winks, handing me my cone. The three of us walk out, back to the beach, enjoying the sugary treat. Max slips his arm around my shoulders, and we casually stroll on the wet sand. Senna found a stick, and I start throwing it for him.

''You haven't met my parents yet.'' Max says suddenly, and I almost freeze.

''I'm aware.'' I comment, wondering where this is going.

''I was planning to fly down there in a week, to visit them. Join me?'' He asks sincerely.

I pick up the stick, throwing it again.

''Ofcourse baby, I already met Vic. But I'd love to meet your mum. And your dad and Blue Jaye.'' I add, smiling up at him. He looks seriously relieved.

As I bend down to pick up the stick, I notice a small following gathering behind us.

''Max. You've got fans.'' I say to him.

''I know Miss Ally, I'm famous and stuff.'' He laughs.

''No, I mean, you have a fan mob, behind you...'' I trail off, and he whips his head towards the crowd. The crowd notices him looking, and they start yelling at him. Crap. He grabs my hand, looking me in the eyes.

''Run.'' Is the simple word he utters, before dragging me up the beach towards a street, Senna hot on our heels. I hear the crowd behind is, still shouting, trying to follow us to where ever. I start laughing at the whole situation, still on the run with Max. We round a corner, seeing a restaurant with tables outside. We both look at each other, same idea popping into our heads.

We run to a table, sitting down and hiding our faces behind the menus.

''Senna, play dead!'' I command him, and right behind the table, he rolls over, laying still on the ground. The mob don't spot us, and they run past us, up a winding cobbled street. When it was safe, we set down the menus, and Senna got up. Max and I simultaneously burst out of laughter, smiling like idiots.

''Where did he learn that?'' Max laughs, pointing at a happy Senna.

''Long story, but every time Senna and I got in trouble, we would play dead.'' I giggle, thinking of all the times that didn't work. Max shakes his head, laughing.

We stand up, walking back home.

''You know I wouldn't choose anybody else to have moments a like these with.'' Max says, kissing my hand. I smile.

''It's a crazy life. But I'll run away from crazy mobs everyday, if it means I can be yours.'' I smile sheepishly. Max stops, turning to me, with his hands on my shoulders.

''That's why I want you to be mine. I love you, your crazy moods, your extremely lame but also funny puns, hell, I even love Senna. Ally, I really wanted this to be more special, but with every second passing, I realize even more that you should be mine. So be mine? Be my girlfriend, Ally?'' Max pleads, with a hopeful smile on his lips, his eyes roaming mine.

I start smiling broadly, my heart beating out of time.

''Ofcourse, Max. You're my person. Mine.'' I say, enveloping him in a hug. I feel his heart beating as fast as mine, aand I smile even more.

We walk hand in hand, until we are back at the apartment. Max stops again, and I know he is hiding something.

''I got you something else.'' He admits sheepishly.

''Oh no. What did you do.'' I cover my face with my hands.

''Sooo, you had no where to pack all your art stuff, so I thought... Maybe you need a studio...'' He says, looking away.

''You got me an art room?!'' I yell as we step into the lounge. He leads me down the hall, opening a door at the end of it.

''I had everything installed for you before you got here.'' He says as I gawk at the room, staring out the window overlooking the ocean.

''Max... This is too much... No one has ever..'' I start, but he cuts me off.

''You live with me now, here in a different place. You need something to keep busy with, when I'm not around.'' He smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist.

''How can I ever say thank you.'' I turn, facing him.

''I can think of a couple of ways.'' Max chuckles, and I giggle along.

''Easy there, tiger.'' I laugh, leaning in, kissing him slowly.

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