A Victoria And A Cake

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I've been waiting at Victoria's terminal for a few minutes after her plane has landed, looking through the crowd to see her. When we finally spot each other other she rushes over to me, giving me the biggest hug imaginable.

"Ahh Ally I missed you so much! It's good to see you." She smiles brightly.

"I missed you too, Vic! It feels like forever since we last spoke!" I say, as we walk back to the car. The airport is extremely busy today, and it takes a while before we actually get to the parking lot.

"Jake and Max are having a training session, so I thought we could go grab some lunch? I know a great pizza place." I ask Victoria, and she looks really excited about the idea.

"That sounds great, and maybe you can show me your gallery? Max told mom it was amazing." Victoria said, getting into the passenger side of Max's Audi. I handed her the aux, and we headed in the direction of the beach. I knew Victoria also liked Ed Sheeran, and when she played Dive from his new album Divide, I was impressed.

"This is my favourite song from the album." I comment, humming along to the tune. Victoria takes out her phone to take pictures and to collect some vlogging material, and start singing along to the song. I don't know what got into me, but the next thing I knew we were in full karaoke mode, singing to Ed at the top of our lungs.

We get strange looks from the pedestrians, and when we stop at the restaurant, our faces are red from singing so loudly.

"Ed would have been proud." Victoria tried to say with a straight face.

"Eddie would have been very proud." I agree in all seriousness, and we both burst out in laughter. When the laughter dies down, we try to compose ourselves.

"It's kind of busy in there." I say while leaning over Vic to see the restaurant. "Maybe we should get some take away and have lunch at home?"

"That can work. We should get Max something too." Victoria smiles, and we step out of the car, in the direction of the little Italian restaurant. The woman behind the counter has soft brown eyes, and it lights up when she recognizes me from all the times Mila and I came her.

"Good day Miss Ally, and who is this lovely lady with you today?" She asks with her thick Italian accent.

"This is Victoria, a very good friend of mine." I say, and Victoria gives a small wave.

"Victoria, beautiful like the sun and moon you are!" The woman says, and Vic starts to blush.

"What will you be having today?" She asks, and I look at Vic. She's studying the menu, and I give her a few seconds.

"This pizza looks delicious. Maybe we should get this?" She asks, and I nod.

"Carmen, can we please get a large pizza, and a mega chicken salad. My boyfriend would approve." I say, and the woman nods. She writes the order down, and disappears into the kitchen while Victoria and I wait for the order. Victoria looks over may shoulder and starts to frown.

"Hey, isn't that your friend? Millie?" Victoria asks, and I glance over my shoulder. And surely, there is Mila, sitting in the corner of the restaurant where we always sat. I turn back to Victoria.

"We're in a rough patch right now. She kind of flirted with Max, so I told her I need some space." I say, and Vic's jaw drops to the ground.

"I knew she was a bad one, I could feel it. I'm sorry it had to end like that though, but you know I'll be your friend." Victoria smiles, giving my arm a squeeze. I smile back at her, and Carmen appears with our order. She puts it in a bag, and I quickly pay her.

"Hope to see your two again, have a lovely day!" Carmen chirps, and we both wave at her as we leave the restaurant. When we drive off, Victoria told me what she saw that day at the pool.

"It was horrible Al, she had on this tiny bikini, and she was pressed up all against him. I almost threw up. So trashy." Victoria says, and I nod may head. I can't believe it's the same Mila I have been having so much fun with.

We were almost home, so the next few minutes were spent listening to the soothing sound of Ed Sheeran. As soon as we got to our building, Victor couldn't contain her excitement.

"I can't wait to meet the new puppy!" Victoria grins as we slide up to our apartment in the elevator. When the doors slide open, she rushes to the apartment door, knocking frantically. When Max opens the door, she rushes right part him, heading straight for Picasso. She picks him up, stroking him and cooing like a young mother.

"I couldn't stop her." I say to Max, who is still confused. I give him a peck on his lips before setting down the food on the kitchen counter. Victoria puts the pup down and gives her big brother a big hug.

"So what have you two been up to?" Max asks, opening the pizza box and taking a slice.

"Oh nothing much, only ran over a few people for fun." I answer nonchalantly, and he chuckles.

"You're crazy, please don't teach my sister that." He pleads and Victoria fakes a hurt look.

"Vic, I fixed up the guest room for you, I hope you like it." I smile as I throw my salad out on a plate.

"Oh yeah, I'll put my bags in there, I'll be right back." She says before disappearing into the room. Max looks a me, smiling like a idiot.

"Why are you looking so happy?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at the love of my life.

"So your birthday is coming up next week..." He starts, and I give an audible sigh.

"Hear me out, I just thought maybe we could throw you a small party and celebrate it. You're going to be two decades old." He grins, and I put my hand over is mouth to shut him up.

"And older than you. I just don't know, I'm not one for parties." I roll my eyes thinking of the awkward social encounters it could lead to.

"Babe, it's going to be small. And A get-together, not a party." He tries, but I keep my face straight.

"There'll be cake..." He trails off, and I try to keep my composure.

"What flavour?" I ask flatly.

"Cheesecake." He grins, and I jump up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"This is why I love you." I mumble against his chest, and he kisses the top of my head.

"It's because I just really love you." He whispers, and my heart skips a beat.

He still does that to me.

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