A Small Shoe And A Big Surprise

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Ever since Ally came back from the gallery, she was acting strange. Jake and I were still busy with training when she came back, but she just sat out on the balcony with her polaroid camera I got her when she moved here. She stared at the ocean for at least an hour, without even once taking a picture.

When Jake and I have finished, he packed his gym bag and signalled me to the kitchen.

"You guys have a fight?" He nods his head towards Ally.

"No, not even close. She was so happy when she left, but she looks so depressed right now. But then again, sometimes when she paints she gets frustrated because she doesn't know what to do next. That makes her really frustrated and depressed." I say, and Jake nods with an understanding look in his eyes.

"Almost like you when you struggle to overtake in a race." Jake says, swinging his gym bag over his shoulder.

"Bye Ally, see you tomorrow!" He yells out to the balcony, snapping Ally out of her daydream.

"Bye Mr J, see you!" She says before walking over to the lounge. I greet Jake, closing the door behind him.

"I'm starving!" I announce heading towards the kitchen. I open the bag Ally brought us, seeing that she ordered alfredo which happens to be her favorite.

"Can I get you a bowl too?" I ask her, add she nods violently.

"I'm so hungry, I could probably eat a cow." She mumbles, her gray eyes locking onto mine. I smile and start filling up two bowls of pasta. When I hand her bowl to her, she kisses my cheek and we both head to the couch. I decide to play a game of Fifa, and she started scrolling through tumblr on her laptop.

Her legs were over my lap, my hands resting on her shins. Every now and then I could feel her eyes on me, and I'd start to blush.

"Stop staring at me you weirdo." I smile. I score on the game and yell a loud "Yesss", causing her to smile. I lean down to kiss her, and she kisses me back with force. I place the remote on the coffee table, and remove the laptop from her lap. I draw her into my arms so her heart is beating against my chest, and we continue the battle for dominance of the kiss. Our lips move in sync, her hands sliding in under my shirt, resting on my hips.

I break the kiss, placing both my hands on the side of her face. I rest my forehead against hers, staring into her soulful eyes.

"I hate seeing you this down, my girl. Please tell me what's up?" I plead, and Ally shuts her eyes tightly. When she opens them, I see tears welling up inside of them.

"It's rather silly, actually, I don't know why I'm so emotional about it." She gives me a small smile, but I still don't understand.

"Babe, I'm not following?" I say to her.

"Oh, let me just show you." She got up and walked to the kitchen counter, a nervous smile playing on her lips. "I just bought the perfect pair of shoes today, and I'm so inlove with them." She continues, lifting up the brown square box that was on the counter. She walked back to me, handing me the box and sitting down.

I could feel my whole body relax when she said it was only shoes, I was really starting to worry it would be something major.

"Open it and see." She said, biting her lower lip. I lift the lid up, and peel away the top layer of tissue paper. I could feel Ally's eyes on me, watching my every move.

In the box, nestled in a bunch of white tissue paper, was the smallest pair of black Vans sneakers I have ever seen. It took me a few seconds to realise what the shoes meant, and suddenly it felt like I couldn't breathe.

My eyes slowly look up at Ally who's still sitting with a nervous smile. When she sees the look on my face, her smile fades.

"But I don't... How long... How did this happen?" I try to form a sentence, but my emotions are running too high.

"Remember our first time? We were both drunk, and we didn't use protection..." She trails off, and I nod slowly, processing what she is saying. Tears start streaming down her face, and she crouches in front of me, resting her hands on mine.

"Look Max, we don't have to go through with this if you don't want to." She whispers, and I feel her hot tears falling on the back of my hand. Her words snap me out of it, and I start laughing. I laugh, taking Ally's hand in mine and standing up. She gets up with me, and I look down at her.

"Are you kidding me? I get to be the lucky guy who has a family with you?" I kiss her before she has time to react, snaking my arms around her waist.

"I know we're young, but oh my god I can't wait for a mini us." I say, and she starts crying, but this time it's tears of joy.

"I was so afraid Max... I don't want to lose you." She says as I wipe the tears from her eyes.

"You won't baby. I'm so happy for us right now. Oh my god, we should tell our parents!" I say, and as soon as it's out of my mouth, I want to kick myself. Ally's smile disappears, leaving us in an awkward silence.

"I haven't thought about that yet..." She whispers, looking down at the floor.

"I'm sorry babe, I'm stupid, I wasn't thinking." I try to apologize, but she stops me.

"No, I'm just being silly. But we should tell your parents. Hopefully they won't kill us." She puts on a brave face and I hug her again.

"Ah man. I can't believe I get to go on this amazing journey with the most incredible woman in the world." I whisper, feeling my heart pound out of my chest.


A.N: Can we please just take a moment and appreciate our Max's lips (header photo). No wonder Ally is pregnant, sheesh :D okay I'm done fan girling, bye xx

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