A Decision And A Unveiling

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"I miss you so much already." I pout at my laptop screen, which is illuminated with Max's face.

"I know, I know, but it's only a week. Once the unveiling is done, I'm back home." His voice reassures me. Picasso is sniffing at my laptop, trying to find a way to get to Max. If only.

"Yes for a couple of days, then it's the first practices. Then season starts. I'm practically going to be a widow." I roll my eyes, and Max chuckles.

"It's not that bad, you can always travel with me to races." I see his mischievous grin, and I can't help but laugh.

"We have kids. We can't leave our poor dogs alone so much. And I've been thinking... I don't want to sit around all day, moping about myself having no family." I rant, and I can see Max shift uncomfortably.

"So, you're trying to say?" He asks, eyes dead serious. I take a deep breath.

"I'm going to open my own art gallery. Something small, but at least it will keep me busy when you aren't around." I announce, and Max looks dumbfounded. We stare at each other for a few moments.

"Don't sound so excited for me." I mumble, feeling the excitement fade.

"It's not that I'm not excited, I'm just wondering when you were going to tell me... This is huge Ally." He comments, combing his hand through his hair. I sigh audibly.

"I just thought about it Max. Nothing is set in stone yet, so it's not like I'm keeping government secrets from you." I say flatly.

"I didn't say that!" He shoots back, clearly annoyed.

"Max, don't yell at me. I didn't do anything wrong." I defend myself, getting completely upset.

"I can't sit here each day waiting for you to come home. I want to live too. And thanks to you I rediscovered my love for art. So suck it up!" I yell before slamming my laptop shut, ending our Skype call.

I grab a pillow, yelling out all my frustration into it, causing Senna and Picasso to look up from where they are sleeping.

"Sorry guys. I'll move to the lounge." I say to them, taking my laptop and flopping down on the couch. I open my laptop again to start looking for industrial spaces to rent. Something small with a viewing room and a studio would be perfect.

Maybe even a room if I want to escape Mad Max, I think to myself.

As I'm scrolling down the page of properties, my phone buzzes with a message from Max.

Max: I'm sorry I wasn't supportive..

Ally: this is Picasso, Allison jumped off the balcony and isn't available

Max: Ally I'm really sorry

Max: please forgive me

Ally: I'm not mad

Ally: just hurt. This means a lot to me.

Max: I know baby, and I want to be a part of that

Max: if you'll let me

I sigh, dialing his number on my phone. It rings a few times before he picks up.

"I'm not mad anymore." I announce over the phone.

"I can't stay mad at you, so you win." I continue, and I hear him sighing relieved.

"I want you to be happy Ally. And if this makes you happy, I'll go out of my way to help you with this." He starts rumbling, and I start giggling.

"Why are you laughing... " He asks confused.

"It's just your accent is so Dutch, it makes me happy."  I say, and he laughs along with me.
"You love my accent."

"No, I really love you." I say to him, smiling like an idiot.

"I really love you too. You and our cute puppies." He says sweetly over the phone.

"Picasso misses you. But Senna is keeping him quite busy with playtime." I giggle, thinking of the puppy's playful nature.

"I want to be home with you, babe. I'll be back next Wednesday, and I'll maybe bring Vic with me." He coaxes me over the phone.

"That would be amazing, I miss her too. I'm so tired, let's go sleep?" I ask Max, already closing my eyes.

"You sound tired, so I'll let you go. Give the pups a good night kiss. Have sweet dreams my love. I love you." He murmurs.

"I will. I love you." I say, hanging up on my boyfriend. I take my phone and my laptop, walking back to our room. I snuggle into bed, smelling Max's cologne on the pillows, making me miss him even more.

I drift asleep, with a melancholy feeling of sadness.


I walk into a small boutique called La Belle, down by the beach front. A beautiful white lace dress with blue detailing catches my eye, and I immediately try it on.

Not too bad Ally, I think to myself as I spin in front of the dressing room mirror. There was a bigger mirror outside of the dressing room, so when I opened my dressing room door to step out, I was faced with a pretty dark haired girl standing in my way.

"Oh holy cow, it is you!" The girl exclaims, and I almost die of fright. She sees my apparent shock, and starts to blush.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry I didn't mean to scare you... My name is Mila Forque, and I'm a big fan of yours." The girl rambles with a French accent, and I try to keep up.

"Uhm, hi Mila, nice to meet you..." I trail off, looking behind her.

"I'm sorry, did you follow me here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No ofcourse not. I was in the boutique too, and when I saw you, I couldn't believe it." She smiles at me, her dark eyes twinkling with excitement.

I like her.

"Can I buy you a coffee? I'd love to chat with you." She says sheepishly, and I smile warmly at her.

"Sure, I just want to buy this dress real quick." I say, as I gather my things from the dressing room. We both walk to the guy behind the counter, and I pay for the dress with my card. We walk out of the shop, and she steers me toward the nearest Starbucks.

"So, how can you be a fan of mine? I'm not even special." I laugh and Mila chuckles along.

"Well to be completely honest, I was like Max's biggest fan." She starts out as we sit down at a table inside the store. "Yeah Max was like my idol, until he started dating you. I immediately liked you, and now you've replaced him." She's giggles, and I blush at her words.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to be friends with you..." She says sheepishly and I think about her words.

"How would you like to find out?"

Her whole face lit up.

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