Chapter 3 - Worse Day Ever

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Austin Prince just kissed me and it starting to make me go crazy. Why would a hot guy like Austin would kiss a girl like me? It was so weird but in the same time, I can feel a pain in the pint of my stomach and my heart has been pounding like crazy, it won't even stop.

As soon as he parts his lips from mine, his face was stern, it was emotionless, he wasn't even laughing. I was going to show my mad expression but I was confused that I couldn't even display any emotion. Any minute now, I could die because I feel like my heart is going to escape out of my rib cage.

"Wh—" I stutter, "What—what—was," I pointed my lips with my index finger, avoiding eye contact.

His stern demeanor suddenly turns to his usual jerk face, which he always place his signature smirk that girls would love, "I was just testing, if how would you react after having a kiss."

What did he just say?! This guy just kissed me because he was testing how would I react? This is completely absurd! He can't just kiss anyone just to see what is there reaction, especially to girls like me who could give it a different meaning.

"What kind of reason is that!" I deadpan, If I have given the power of strength, I would have thrown this guy out of this building and smash his whole body by a bus, "You just stole my first kiss!"

He scratch the back of his neck, acting like a complete idiot as if he does not know anything, "Oops, sorry?" He displays a smile that I would want to rip of his lips, "Should I take it back?" He asks with an annoying smirk on his lips.

"And how are you supposed to take it back?" I cross my arms against my chest, pursing my lips. He places his hands on his pockets, acting cool like he usually does, "By kissing you again, taking it back."

I seriously hate this guy, I have the feeling of wanting to murder him while all the students and teachers are all in their respected classroom.

I cover my lips with the use of my hand, he chuckled softly as he passes by me, heading his way upstairs. If he is teasing me, he shouldn't go too far. A guy should only kiss a girl if he likes him or he has feelings for her, not because he wants to see how she reacts or if he is just messing with her.

The minute we got at the office and received the detention which I truly disagree that I even deserve it, Mr. Fanning, had just ask us to write on five sheets of bond paper back to back, saying 'I would no longer disrupt classes and continue to listen to my teachers.'

I was expecting a grave punishment since I never got in detention in my whole school life but this is nothing compared of what I was thinking. He asks us to do it on the empty classroom beside his office and left us for an hour before he would come back and check if we're finished or not.

"One paper left and I'm done." I said to myself, my hands are already tired but I'm glad that I manage to write quickly with just thirty minutes.

"Nope." Austin disagrees, popping the 'p', "You still have four papers left."

"And why is that?" I raise an eyebrow, I diverted my eyes back to my paper in attempt to finish the last paper, "Because you have to do mine, you should be glad because I already did the first one."

I smash my table with the use of my hand and stare at him blankly, "And why should I do it? Get it done you lazy piece of shit." Damn girl, I sound feisty.

He crosses his arms on his chest and started shaking his head, "The only reason why I got here in the first place was because of you, so I think it's only fair that you have to finish mine." This guy has a lot of guts and air on his smart-less brain.

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