Chapter 21- Should I Really Let Go?

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"Austin—" Elena said as soon as she landed her eyes back to Austin. There's a weird vibe in the room and I can point out that it was because of Elena.

"Mom—" Austin immediately opens his mouth after minutes of waiting. There's a reason why Austin is acting that way and the clue is on the note behind the picture I saw earlier. "We're going to my room, call me if you need anything."

"Austin." Suzy sounded irritated and it was evident on the tone of her voice, "Elena is here, can't you entertain her, at least?"

"Sorry but I and Ella has something more to do." Austin said bitterly, he takes a hold of my wrist and starts to take me towards the stairs.

"Austin, I need to talk to you." I heard Elena's voice say but Austin didn't budge and made way in his room with his hand on my wrist. His hold wasn't really tight though I can sense that he was already irritated.

The moment we were in his room, he closes the door with a bang that made me flinch. He jumps on his bed, with his face down on the pillow. He's not okay and it was evident. There's something more on that note and I want to find out.

"Austin—" I went to sit on the edge of his bed and he didn't move a single inch. "I could go home, I mean I could still eat some cookies next time." I said.

He didn't move and he didn't even say a single word. I want to be with him but I don't know if I should be.

"Austin." I called out his name one more time but he didn't really respond. I stand up from the bed, "I'll see you tomorrow?" I waited for his response but he didn't give me any.

The moment I was about to move, I felt his hand take a hold of my wrist, "Stay." He says.

I didn't move nor face him but I feel he wasn't feeling well. "Can you just stay? Even just minutes. I need you to be here, with me." His words were too honest and it makes me feel that he really needs someone to be with him. I don't know why he's acting this way and I wanted to ask him but it's not the right time to ask him now.

I went to sit back on the edge of the bed and glance at him as his face still faces down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I suggest and he glances at me with a look that I couldn't depicter.

"I don't know." He expresses, "I mean, I want to but I don't think I could, I just really want someone to be with."

"Should I call Elliot?" I ask and he shakes his head, "I want you." The moment he said those words, I can feel my heart beat in a fast phase. He just told me he wants me and literally made me feel feelings I can't control.

He took my wrist again and pulled me beside him. I am now lying beside him as his arms starts to wrap on my waist. His head is leaning against the back of my neck and we were extremely close and I couldn't calm my heart down. I know I should be arguing with him right now, it's because this position that we're in is inappropriate especially that we're not together but I eventually let it slide. I just told myself earlier, just this day, I will let myself express the feelings I have for him and love him. I just want to stay like this with him, even if it's just today.

I was a bit nervous because he might feel the beat of my heart pounding so fast and I don't want him to have the idea that he made feel this way. "You smell like flowers." He utters, making my cheeks go red.

"Austin, should I punch you?" I ask, "The only reason why I'm letting you hug me because you need comfort and arguing with you won't solve anything." No, the truth is, I like you and I want to stay like this with you but it won't happen.

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