Chapter 8 - Heart to Heart Talk

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"Again, did you just call me a bitch?" She laughs and composed herself with her usual bitch face whenever she challenges a fight with someone, "And how dare you speak of me as taking advantage of Austin when clearly, we had fun last night."

Everyone in the cafeteria directed their attention to our table, and it was because of Alexandra's voice that made the audience bigger.

"Alexandra—please—" Austin started talking but I immediately cut him off,

"I was just pointing out the fact." I said with my eyes looking straight at her.

She laughs sarcastically, "You don't have to say anything about it because you weren't even there, and what do you even care about what happened that night, it's not like you like Austin and it's not like he likes you too." I don't know what just happened but after hearing her say that made me feel like an arrow just shot in my chest.

She walks closer to me, "Aren't you a lesbian? You like girls." She follows it with a laugh, "The only reason you are popular because your brother is popular and the only reason why guys talk to you was because they consider you as a guy that they want to hang out with and not a girl that they could go out or fuck with."

"Hey! You're exaggerating it too much!" Ivan spoke. Alexandra ignored her and continue to look at me.

I stand up from my seat with my eyes glared at her, "You don't know about anything so just shut the fuck up! I'm not a lesbian and the reason they talk to me because you're right, they want to hang out with me because I'm fun to be with and maybe because I act more of a guy than a girl, that made them comfortable," I chuckle and later compose myself with a serious look, "But so what? I don't care! The only reason why guys only go over heels for you because they want to fuck you! That's the only reason slut!"

"Burn." Casey hollered, I look at her and she instantly compose herself into a serious look and directed her eyes to Alexandra.

She glares at me with her face red because of embarrassment, I was right and I know that she knows it too, "If you don't care so much then why did you suddenly want to look like a girl?" She eyed me from head to toe, "Wearing clothes that does not even fit you, and that make-up? It does not really change who you are, you're still a tomboy and every guy in here wouldn't even consider you as a girl." She laughs evilly, making me want to punch her on the throat.

"Why Alexandra? Can't accept the fact that my friend is better looking than you now that she actually looks like a girl?" Lila fired back, earning a glare from Alexandra and her best friend.

"People change, so you don't have the right to judge me whether what I want to wear or not and it's not like I care about what other people think so stop being such an asshole and grow up. And what about you?" I look at her from head to toe, "I sure do think that your clothes does not suit you because we're in school," I laugh, "Shouldn't you wear something different than a slutty costume?"

And with that I could hear people laughing, even in our table. Elliot stepped in the fight, pushing me away from Alexandra but I didn't budge or even listened to him, "Ellie, stop, you're going to get in detention."

Austin tries to pull Alexandra away but she didn't listen to Austin and just stand there looking at me. "Slut?" She angrily said, she shoves Elliot away from me and charged me, making myself land on the floor while she is on top of me, pulling my hair.

"Oh no you didn't!" Casey shouts angrily, she tried pulling Alexandra away from me but it's not even helping because the more she pulls, the more the pain in my head gets.

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