Chapter 26 - Living With

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The least thing you want your parents sees is you—sleeping with another man. I know that I and Austin didn't do anything wrong like the thing about having sex and we absolutely didn't. We just plainly slept together and I know that even if I explain myself to my mother when she saw me and Austin, she will never believe me.

So I decided to do the most impossible thing ever. I quickly jump out of the bed, I didn't care if I hit Austin or not but I was focused on getting into the door that I shouted immediately when it had opened and I close it with my full strength, "Mom---" I quickly responded with my whole body leaning against my bedroom door, "You can't just barge in here, I'm naked—I just got out from the bathroom."

"Let me in, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before, c'mon, we need to talk." She desperately asks me to let her in but I didn't have any second thoughts and quickly responded, "We can talk later after I changed."

"C'mon dear, you obviously have your towel on—so let's talk while we're at it." She pushes the topic further, making me more irritated.

"Please mom, I'll be down in a sec, just wait for me downstairs—" I lock the door, without having any second thought of asking her to come in, especially when Austin is in my bedroom.

"Fine, hurry up." She commanded before she left.

I can finally breathe. I let out a deep breath as I manage to overcome this impossible task in my life. I never expected that I could overcome this, especially now that I never thought that I wouldn't.

"Next time, just don't hit my head when you're jumping out of the bed." I was startled with Austin's voice as he was now in seating position with his hand placed on his head.

"Did you see everything?" I swallowed the lump on my throat and somehow, I don't know why I'm getting nervous all of a sudden.

"Yeah—you managed to wake me up—" He points out his head, making me smile. "It's your fault, so don't blame me if I hit your head. We're just one step of getting caught, getting grounded and worse case scenarios."

"We didn't have sex though—I mean, your mom could understand."

"—but she wouldn't believe that, because you're Austin." I annoyingly said, "You always brag about having every girl in the school and your father and mine, will always laugh about it. So, what will you expect if my parents, see you in my bedroom even if you're not naked but just sleeping with me?"

He nods his head after realizing what his bragging has drag us in, "I was trying to impress you that time."

"But I wasn't much impress." I stick my tongue out and he chuckles, "But I managed to get a hold of you—" He winks at me, making my heart literally jump with his little remarks.

"Whatever—" I dismiss the topic immediately, when in truth, I feel like I'm on top of the world. "I need to head down fast or mom," I showed him my serious look, "--will get suspicious."

"Yeah—" He stretches his arms as he heads on my bedroom window—just so that he could get to his room, "I'll see you later baby." He winks at me, making my cheeks go red.

"Don't call me that!" I annoyingly said and he laughs, "I can call you whatever I want."

He opens the window, and quickly jumps on the other side without any effort. "See you later!" He calls out as he quickly vanishes away from my sight. I don't know what is this guy doing to me but I know that he will never fail to calm my heart with just his smile.

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