Chapter 32 - Took You Long Enough

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Everything isn't easy. I thought that keeping this secret of what I and Austin have is easy but it's complicated than I thought. Casey and Lila are giving me the cold shoulder and I feel like I'm being left out whenever we're together.

They didn't try to push the subject about my love life but they decided to ignore me and pretend that I don't exist.

"So Chase asked me to go on an outing with his family and I don't really know what to do," Casey said as her eyes were settled on Lila and I was just standing beside them like I'm some kind of shadow.

"Just go, why don't you just go with him? It's not like they don't know you're a thing already." Lila said in a matter of a fact tone and Casey shrugs, "I just don't feel like it, you know, I haven't spend a family outing with them."

The bell rang signaling for the first period and Casey and Lila decided to part ways without even talking to me. It's been two days since they last talked to me and I just feel like they're doing this on purpose so that I could open up to them.

"Looks like someone is in a sour mood these days." Austin said as I walk through the hallway to get on my first class.

"Yeah—" I sigh, "Please take of your glasses." Austin has still his glasses on as we weren't able to find his contacts and he does not even bother buying one because he thinks that every girl in the school thinks he's a so called hot professor.

"Why?" He laughs, as he places his arms on my shoulder, "Jealous?"

I rolled my eyes in irritation and takes of his arms away from my shoulder, "I'm not in the mood, my friends are not talking to me."

"Just tell them the truth." He plainly said, this time, he was being serious.

"I'm not prepared of what is going to happen next." I said honestly and he sighs, "It's not like you committed a grave sin, and it's not like we're in a relationship already, we're just on the dating part." He informed.

"But that doesn't cover anything, we are still in some kind of relationship." I corrected and he laughs, "Sooner or later, they'll find it on their own even if we don't tell them so just tell them the truth, they're your friends, it's not like they are going to hate you forever."

"What about Elliot, he's my brother, I can't just tell them without telling Elliot." I frustratingly said and he smiles, "You never know."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raise an eyebrow and he smiles, "Nothing."

Something seems suspicious and it looks to me, he will not provide me with any answers at all.

"Austin, you're hiding something from me, I can feel it." I stop walking and directed my eyes at him. He smiles innocently and shrugs it off, "I don't want to be late, see you later." He said as he kisses me on the cheek and went on ahead of me.

"Austin!" I shouted but he ignored me.

There is something with his words, I just can't point out what.


I'm standing on the counter with my tray at hand. Everyone is already on our table except for Elliot. I could see him on the counter, placing food on his tray. Before I could even tell anything about me and Austin to my friends, I think Elliot deserves to know about it first.

"Elliot," I awkwardly said as I stand beside him after he had finished taking his tray from the counter.

"Sup little sis." He greeted me with a smile.

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