Chapter 22 - I Don't Think I Will Regret This

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My heart is pounding so fast and I couldn't breathe properly. I can't calm myself down after hearing what Austin said.

He must have just said that to lure Elena out but what if it was true?

I can feel my face heating up, I place both of my hands on my cheeks and quickly made my way to the dining area before they notice that I was there all along.

"What are you still doing here?" Elliot said as soon as he got out from the kitchen, holding a paper bag at hand.

"I—uh, I—erm—waiting, for you." I said stuttering.

He has a confused look on his face, he raises an eyebrow, "Is there something wrong?"

"Can we go home now?" I quickly responded and turn my back to him as I wait for him to walk.

He didn't say a word and lead the way towards the door, "I don't know what's gotten into you but you're quite red."

My eyes widen after hearing him say that. I start to walk facing the floor as we got out. It was evident that Austin and Elena were still at the porch because you can hear people talking.

"We're going home." Elliot spoke as soon as we reach the porch. I couldn't face him, I could still feel like I'm going to explode and I can't even show him how red my cheeks are.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Austin replies. I didn't say a word to him and decided to follow Elliot as he walks out. A couple of seconds had passed and Austin calls out for my name.

"Ella." I didn't turn around and ask, "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you later? In the window."

"Yeah—" I said with my back facing him. Elliot look at me with a puzzled look but I ignored him and went straight to the house without looking at anyone or even waiting for someone to talk.

The minute I reach our porch, I started to breathe, calming myself down. It was getting hot and my heart won't calm down.

"What's gotten into you?" A voice said and I immediately jump as I was immediately surprised. It was Elliot, he leans on the wooden fence of our porch and stares at me with a confused look.

"Nothing—" I cleared my throat, "I was just feeling a little dizzy, like I need some air to breathe."

"Does your head still hurt?" He was referring about the scenario that happened earlier this morning and I really hated the fact that he just brought it out.

I rolled my eyes in irritation, "Let's just forget about what happened earlier, shall we?"

He hisses and smacks my arm lightly, "Sometimes I can't understand you." He walk towards the door and made his way in.

Sometimes, I couldn't understand why I can't be completely honest to my brother. But it's not like I could tell him everything.

"Ellie." I was startled to hear my name again and it was evident from who's voice it was from.

I bit my bottom lip and close my eyes for a couple of seconds before facing him, "Matt."

"Hey—" He smiles weakly. He has a box of donuts at hand and three milkshakes on the other hand, "I was looking for you everywhere and I even texted and called you because when I got to the clinic, you were already gone."

"Yeah—about that—" He cuts me off before I could explain myself.

"The nurse even told me that she does not know where you gone off but Elliot told me that you were already home, Austin brought you here." Austin must have texted Elliot earlier and Elliot decided to make an alibi out of it. I really owe my brother, big time. "I was going to go here after finding it out but I was kind of busy with the council and with the practices that I—" I raise my hand to stop him from explaining and he quickly closes his mouth.

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