Chapter 24 - I Fucking Like You, So Damn Much

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"So you already knew her?" Casey plops down on the driver's seat while I was seated on the passenger seat. It's already dismissal and I decided to hang out with Casey, while Lila won't be joining with us because she has to go home early.

I decided to tell Casey everything, starting from my feelings that I have on Matt and up until what happened yesterday. But, I didn't tell her about Austin's confession. What I told her is that I think my feelings for Austin was much stronger than what I have for Matt and that I and Austin skipped classes yesterday because he was sorry about what happened last time, the incident between me and Alexandra. I told her that I met Elena when we reach Austin's house but I didn't told her the fact about Austin and Elena and even the confession. I just told her that they're childhood friends who seems to have a troubled past that Elena can't let go off.

"Yes," I nod as I lean my head against the window, Elena is one hell of a girl and I can't imagine her—backing down her feelings for Austin.

After Elena had told her those outrageous words during lunch, Austin just laugh it off while everyone was just stoned after hearing Elena's outburst. He decided to skip lunch and makes an excuse of having no appetite and Elliot decided to join him, leaving me dumbstruck.

"—and she pretended that she doesn't know anyone," Casey declared, "Seems to me she's a sneaky little byotch."

"I could say the same thing because I don't like her but what if—" I stare at my hands as I continue to speak, "What if it's true that Austin loves her, I mean, they know each other since they were kids and she's likely important to her."

"I know you like Austin so much than Matt," Casey said, "But don't you think that it's best if you should give Matt a chance? I mean, Austin is a ladies' man and he does nothing but do mean things towards you and that Elena, having you in their picture, will only make your life more dramatic."

"I thought you are going to support me to whoever I like?" I groan and she laughs, "I was going to but I somehow pity Matt and I love you so much that I don't want to see you hurt, and lastly, it's not like Austin has confessed that he has feelings for you." She bluntly said.

He did confess but I don't have the guts to tell it to her yet.

"What if," I start, "What if I and Matt has still have these I don't know what we're called and then Austin comes by telling me he likes me and it starts to make my heart waver that I could no longer control it because my feelings for him is much real and much more greater." I look at her as her focus in on the road ahead of us, "—and that I was confused because Elena comes out of nowhere, telling him that she still loves him, do you think Austin's feelings towards me is real? Or will he still like her?"

"Hold your horses," Casey intervenes, "I can't understand a single word you say because I can't understand why you're telling me this when we know it's not true."

"Ignore me—" I say, "I was just confused," I bit my bottom lip as I stare at the window, without looking at my very best friend. The happy mood that I have yesterday and this morning quickly vanish that it was immediately replaced by nothing but confusion and stress, I really like Austin to the point that I want to confess my feelings for him but I can't do that when I still have Matt and I don't know what to say to him. What makes it more stressing is Elena, is it right if I just let them be? Will it be really okay if I wasn't in their picture?

"Just sort your feelings out and then maybe, you'll realize that your feelings for Austin wasn't really true that you really like Matt," Casey advice, "I mean, you like Matt since sophomore, the only reason why you started liking Austin was because he starts to open up and your cat and dog relationship was instantly replaced with this close bond that I couldn't even understand."

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