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"Paris is beautiful," Nandini breathes out, staring at the lit up Eiffel tower in front of her, standing in the balcony of their hotel room in Paris. 

"It is, but not as much as you are," she hears her boyfriend say from behind her, his hands on either side of her, holding on to the railing, his chin resting on top of her head. 

Nandini rolls her eyes at his cheesiness, a blush covering her face. 

"Let's go, we need to leave right now if we want to get to the top of the tower before it closes," he says to her, pulling her into their room, and out the front door.

Nandini was in a maroon, off-the-shoulder, flowery summer dress that ended halfway to her knees, her hair half up, half down with some strands pulled out to frame her cute face. Her face was devoid of makeup, her feet clad in a pair of cute white sandals

Manik, on the other hand, was dressed in a white shirt, untucked and a pair of denims, his hair all ruffled up by his girlfriends fingers.

It had been two years since the whole Saxena fiasco, and Manik and Nandini were going strong as ever. 

Subsequently, Manik had staked his claim for the world to see, and had unforgettably spoken of her in every interview he had done so far, letting the world know how truly in-love the couple was.

Nandini had come to love Paris, how Manik had come to love Nandini, and they made a tradition of coming to Paris at least once a year, for a week. Well, it was more of Nandini wishing to go to Paris and Manik obviously wanting to fulfil every wish of hers. It helped them take their minds off of work, and gave them time to spend the much needed time with each other, appreciate each other. 

And this was one of those trips.

Manik glanced over at Nandini sitting beside him, her hand tangled in his, their fingers intertwined. Her side profile  was so perfectly lit up by the city of lights. He could not fathom the sort of luck he had, bumping into like that those two years ago. 

He silently thanked God everyday, every single day, for making him be one to have bumped into her.  

He had asked often asked God to spare him, to let him live a life free of sorrow, even if just for a minute. 

And he had answered, with an angel, his angel of joy, his life, his world, his everything

Manik knew, that is anything, anything at all, happened to the angel next to him, life itself would leave his body.

His heart would stop, because it was fuelled by her love. 

His lungs would collapse, because she was his oxygen. 

All reality would cease to exist, because she was his world, in life and beyond.

She was his prayers, and his answers to them. 

How could someone be so in love?

Well, it was like the magical meeting and blending of two perfectly broken piece of glass, impossible, but beautiful.

Their love, it had made the impossible, possible. It had healed what was once forever broken. 

It had healed and joined two broken hearts, forever. 


"We're here, babe, come on," Manik said, helping Nandini out of the car like the gentlemen he was. 

Nandini smiled at him in thanks, and he almost died from his heart skipping a beat. 

She pecked in on the lips as she stepped out, taking his hand and dragging him to the magnificent tower. She loved everything about the tower, especially the view at the top, it was breathtaking. Not as breathtaking as the view she woke up to almost everyday, but beautiful nonetheless. 

There were so many people here, standing beneath the tower, admiring its beauty. 

She smiled at the one's she caught the eyes of, before getting into the elevator with Manik in tow. It was surprisingly empty, she noticed, gazing out as the beautiful city went lower and lower. 

She released Manik's hand a little, and realized it was shaking. She looked up at him in worry, only to see him blowing air out of his mouth, constantly running his hands through his hair, something he often did when he was nervous. 

"Manik, are you okay?" She asked him, her eyebrows furrowed, concern flashing in her eyes. 

Manik looked down at her and smiled softly, bringing her hands to his lips, kissing it tenderly.

"All good, baby," he said in assurance.

Nandini looked at him in suspicion, not satisfied with his answer, but decided to let it go when she felt Manik squeezing her hand. 

They eventually got to the top, and it was shockingly empty. Was the tower supposed to be closed today? Nandini wondered. Had they got in illegally? How had she failed to notice the signs? Her eyes swept through the spectacular sight of lights beneath her, before turning to Manik in question. 

And there he was. 

In all his handsome glory. 

Down on one knee, a velvet box in his hand, love shining in his eyes. 

But no words left his mouth. His lips were parted, and it appeared as though he was trying his hardest to say something, but no words came to his mouth. 

Because looking at her, so beautiful and perfect, standing in front of him, her eyebrows raised, her cheeks flushed, her lips apart, her eyes wet and sparkling, he forgot how to breath. The goddess of perfection, how had he managed to get such an amazing woman in life? He questioned himself. He could not, for the love of everything pure, take his eyes off of her, and angel. 

Their world, it stood still, quiet, hushed. 

His eyes, they were speaking a mile a minute. They laid his soul bare in front of her, for her to see, for her to decide. 

Will she marry him?

Manik gulped, and cursed and cursed and cursed himself for being so vulnerable, so weak, so...in love.

He was immobile. 

He hoped she could read him like he could her. He was hoping his eyes did what his mouth failed to. His heart, he couldn't hear it beating. He felt like he was suffocating, dying, up until he heard her. 

The wind, it carried her soft whisper to him, only meant for his ears, "Yes."

And the first tear fell. 

Their love was so strong, it slowed time itself.

He smiled through his tears, thankful for her existence. 

She laughed through hers, because it had been perfect. 

He stood up, pulling her into his arms, spinning her around, his heart finally restarting after hearing her happy laughter. 

"I love you, so fucking much," he whispered to her. 

"I love you too, Mr. Billionaire," she answered. 

And standing there, in his arms, Nandini thought about how it all started, the memory that was her blessing, the answer to all her prayers.

She reminiscenced about bumping in Mr. Billionaire. 


I genuinely love you guys so much. Thank you. 

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